Season 3 PVP duelist illusion reward

Originally posted on the 9.2 PTR forums but posting here to reach more people.

For those that do not know when a player reaches 2100 in any PVP bracket, they are awarded the duelist weapon illusion for that season or expansion. After a season or expansion has ended (see below) the illusion becomes unobtainable.

These illusions are a sign of prestige, indicating that a player has reached duelist (or above) during a particular season.

MOP → Glorious Tyranny
WOD → Primal Victory
Legion → Demonic Tyranny (2400)
BFA → Dreadflame
SL1 → Sinful Flame
SL2 → Unchained Fury
SL3 → Cosmic Flow?

From what I understand within the PVP community the Red and Green or Glorious/Demonic Tyranny are the fan favourites.

It has been speculated that the “Cosmic Flow” illusion is the new illusion for season 3 of shadowlands and from what I have seen, it is disliked by members of the PVP community.

Please Blizz, go back to the base tyranny illusions. Maybe a bright yellow tyranny with stars falling from the weapon to give it that cosmic feel.

The cosmic flow is not a bad illusion, but it does not have that epic feel worthy of a duelist illusion.

The clip below shows the cosmic flow illusion. (Found on US arena forums).

Twitch clip of season 3 illusion

But why does this matter? Who cares about an illusion… the PVP community cares. As I mentioned before these illusions along with elite (1800) PVP armour sets and tabards (2400), Glad mounts and titles are a sign of prestige. The fact they are obtainable for a limited amount of time makes people want to push and engage with PVP. Of course, non-cosmetic rewards are also an incentive to push but still.

I noticed on the PTR that the “Sinful Gladiator’s Tabard” is now available for purchase from the PVP vendor in Oribos. It seems Blizzard has listened to the community regarding making the SL PVP tabards physical items to equip rather than appearances. I am not sure about the Unchained Gladiator’s Tabard as I have not unlocked it yet. Maybe someone can confirm? This is a step in the right direction and hopefully, we can get some change regarding the duelist illusion.

Thank you and have a nice day :slight_smile:



maybe black tyranny enchant for death themed expansion??? Something close to this?

Anything is better than current enchant


wow that thing looks stupid.


The issue is they keep trying to reinvent the wheel and they do so with worse and worse enchants… The BFA one and sinful flame both look cool, but they need more particles…

The unchained one… Idk about it. it looks like a 7 year old created it after writing on the wall with mud for 10 minutes.

The whole issue is that the PvP enchants are supposed to look cool and unique, but they are barely noticable. There is not a single weapon that unchained looks good on. However, if it had the same design, but 3-5 times the particles, it would probably look pretty cool.


It’s so bad. Honestly between the sets and the enchant I almost feel like sitting out s3


I do think that after seeing the sets, s3 is an upgrade. But it still isnt as good as previous stuff. Too much futuristic crap going on and it looks all blocky and such. That being said, if we get a s3 enchant that is this giant yellow and white sparkle glow, it would be pretty cool. But we will probably get the complete opposite and it will be 1 yellow stripe on the weapon with 2 sparkles around it.

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I actually liked s1 and s2 sets. This 3rd season though is Just throwing me off lol


im looking at s3 through the eyes of a shaman though, who has probably the coolest set of the bunch, we actually get a wolf head again.

That being said, we at least have class spefici sets now. so i guess its technically an upgrade??? sigh

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Lol very true on all of it

i actually love this one. looks so good combined with the duelist 2h sword of season 2.
its pretty cool that it darkens the whole colorscheme of weapons so you can use it with bright weapons to fit a dark transmog.
but ye doesnt look good on every weapon tho.

liked em very much as well. plate sets are nice.

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That’s the only sets I haven’t gotten lol.
I’ll try for it this week or next in my warrior I guess. Haven’t touched him besides sending boxes lol

Oh God, it looked bad on wowhead but I just assumed it was bugged. It doesn’t change the weapon to glow or anything?

That’s so lame.


Yeah, that’ll make people play.
Awful illusion.


Obnoxious color effects and 2400 requirement since the seasons are gonna last a pregnancy


you dont like a giant starlit ball in the middle of your sword??? LOL

Bring back physical tabards.

They’re making a return in 9.2, where you’ll be able to buy the s1 and s2 tabards if you have the elite achievement. Unknown if intended to be acc-wide or char-specific, subject to change, etc.

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They are in 9.2

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The season 1 and 2 illusions looked like a child made them. Blizzard seemingly puts 0 effort into making these enchants look as cool as they once did.


I think that they did an okay job with the sinful one. The unchained (s2) looks like something they scrapped off of Sylv’s platform, but it’s still kind of neat that they’re doing seasonal rewards isntead of dreadflame for the entire expansion like bfa.

Even if illusions peaked with mop glorious tyranny, which I think got nerfed in legion or bfa because it was frying peoples toasters.

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