Season 3 priest transmog bugged?

I’m not getting credit in the Appearance tab for having the hero tier set gloves even though I do have them. I got the Keystone Master achievement and bought the Hero track gloves with the free tier piece that gives you. I have the gloves, the gloves are hero track 2 of 6, they give me the tier set bonus, BUT I do NOT have credit for having the gloves in the appearance tab for the hero transmog for Blessings of Lunar Communion. I went to the Catalyst to see if maybe they were the wrong appearance, but it says I can’t catalyze them because they already are the hero tier set. Is this a known bug or am I missing something or what? Thanks!

Do the gloves have a “increases PvP ilvl…” tag?

Would that be visible in the Armory? Because that label doesn’t appear on OP’s armory view.

might be because there’s like a 2 hour window where you can refund it back to the vendor, during which the item will not be added to your transmog collection yet. So if you have the gloves where they no longer have that blue ‘refund label’ , and you’ve already tried relogging, then idk.

Nope does not have PvP tag