Season 3 Mythic Plus will be currency starved

I believe their fixing that with warbands but that wont be out until 11.0

Their all time life of the game stance on alts has been embarrassing. If anyone ever asks me how Blizzard gatekeeps, I am instantly going to the alt unfriendliness thing.

Wait, I know it took a few hours but I thought you’d remember.

You complained about ‘carrying’ people, not getting rewarded enough, and not getting rep/renown from M+. Those are definitely things you mentioned and complained about. Was more so a question as to why would you want something that has been irrelevant even in S1 when a vast majority of the Renown system was designed for solo/WQ players who it even wasn’t that great for.

You know… Maybe we should just go back to CM-style one-and-done reward schemes and leave the repetition for the timing leaderboards so the people who really do M+ seriously can compete and the casual players can get some cosmetics and leave it be.

Ultimately, there are five types of M+ players.
People who go for the vault, completion or timed doesn’t matter. Cap won’t affect them unless they time every dungeon.
People who go for the KSM/KSH/20 portals. Change won’t really affect them either.
People who push for rating at a seriously level. Change won’t affect them in the long run. They will get gear and they will push rating.
People who do it for fun or to help others. Change won’t really affect them if the fun is the activity. Hell, I’ve run keys that I knew were doomed with zero payout (No use for any crest, not getting rating, not filling the vault).
People who run just for the gear. Change affects them yet… Ultimately most won’t care when people go from the landslide of easy gear from S2 into slightly slower gear acquisition in S3.

I was completely done with the crest system besides crafting every week by week 2. It was possible to be done with no rng by week 3. Bliz massively reducing the number of crests we get means there will actually be ilvl progression this tier instead of a race to 441 followed by nothing but a crafted item every 2 weeks.

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Jesus Christ, can you stop creating these dumb topics? You’re wasting so much time on nothing. Just go do literally anything else, please.


Idk if I would call it starved.

Season 2 was overly abundant,

Season 3 might be just right.

One can hope.

I am not a serious key pusher and I was pretty much done with M+ for crests by week 3 and was going over the math of how flooded the rewards were. By week 5 of the season there was no reason for me to run anymore because I don’t have the drive (and patience with pugs) to push higher and would only join in if friends needed a good DPS to fill a spot for fun because tangible rewards beyond portals pretty much were non-existent after the first few weeks in seasons that are meant to last for much longer.

Just the running of low dungeons, carrying less dedicated players who aren’t going to get a true m+ experience from that, but WILL complain that “dungeons are go go go” for my Flightstones for no reason other than the sake of it is degenerate and less than engaging gameplay.
The addition of Flightstones making an arbitrary gatekeep for me to upgrade is bad design. I am no more better a player, nor did I gain anything except a time sink to farm up the new requirements for Flightstones. I proved nothing by doing 5 more dungeons for Flightstones, to upgrade. It may have brought someone to the forums to complain about m+.
Nobody wants arbitrary currencies and systems.
The payer backlash on my factual assessment is embarrassing because people are just being obtuse for the sake of it, it doesn’t affect them because they are the carried, or, they like to hear themselves talk? Imagine calling oneself a “gamer” and defending corporations’ mobile style, arbitrary systems/currencies. Coming off the back of SL where everyone complained about this, but blizz has doubled-down. But it’s ok because scalies this xpac? What an embarrassment.

I was never starved on flightstones lol. Maybe on alts that don’t do any real content…

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If you were running low keys for flightstones, you were doing something horribly wrong. The -only- time I ever said, “Man, I need to get flightstones” was when I hopped on an alt and only did 1~2 dungeons and still had 8+ pieces of gear to upgrade.

Mains needing flightstones are getting more gear than they can handle upgrading to max in a single day. If anything, M+ players were getting more flightstones and crests than anyone else, faster than anyone else, you weren’t gatekept if you spent most gameplay time doing M+, even if it was only 30 minutes~1 hour a day.

Though, is cute if you think people having a different opinion means they were carried. I’ll let you enjoy your uh… Whatever it is you’re doing. I’m going to just go back to carrying people without complaining about having to carry them like a diva.

Though, to summarize the thread

I agree delete mythic plus.


You’re strawmanning to so many tangents back to back to back to back instead of addressing the facts I laid out for you several times. Because you got dunked on. You took this real personal eh?
You made it so personal that you must derail someone standing up for video game standards like no one you’ve ever seen do before?
I honestly didn’t think you were trolling in your first comment, I just thought you were acting very young, which is why I gave you a very courteous reply.
In response, instead of reciprocating that (the best form being to have closed your mouth, and/or walk away like a mature adult), you’ve resorted to strawmanning to other pillars of content, telling me that I should not want to do certain content, now you’re telling me that farming Flightstones, although arbitrarily necessary in Season 3 by design, I will be doing it wrong…?
And the best you did this season was 2700 on a meta class…
What is your end goal? What can make you stop trolling feedback that just wants content to make sense and not be so predatory, like it was before this xpac. We have the technology.
What are your closing arguments on your anecdotal stance?

Don’t worry so much, man.

Mains who play efficiently will be max IL cap within a few weeks and it won’t matter anymore, and there will be a plethora of catchup for alts if we want it.

It is all the same every season. There’s a little stress for the first week (sometimes two if you run into a wall of bad luck) of the season to ensure gearing is perfect for initial KSH push, but then you’re done and you can wave goodbye to caring about it.

Are you title pushing this season? Even then, you will be waiting for specific weeks later in the patch and gear will be a non issue.

Have fun out there!

Of course. I enjoy the initial season start for gear. Yes people gear up at that time. That’s not what I was giving feedback on. Thank you, though.

Non-meta. Devastation is not and hasn’t been the meta, nice try though. I pushed 2700 just to have all 20s timed across the board before Aug was even released because I just go for portals and call it a day. You say you only do M+ and are only at 3k after Aug’s release. The gap isn’t skill there, it’s investment.

Don’t worry though, you seemed to be hyped to say Shadowlands was better (were you carried by S4 BDK scaling or something?) I’ve simply been saying that to 99% of the playerbase, the change is a net-positive. Slower gearing, yes, but S2 gearing was WAY too fast that a lot of players would get gear, then stop playing because they were ‘done’ for the season after achieving their M+, Raiding, PvP, or whatever other goals they set for themselves.

And I didn’t say “farming flightstones will be wrong” I said “running low keys for flightstones” would be doing it wrong because you’d be running 2~3 times as many dungeons, throwing more crests away to the cap, and being overall inefficient. In SEASON 1, people ran +2s repeatedly for Valor because it was efficient.

In S2, running +2s was inefficient because if you ran 11s/16s/20s or higher, you were swimming in flightstones and crests without farming low dungeons. Crafted gear used 4 Aspect Crests (which was 5 timed dungeons) and zero flightstones. In those 5 dungeons, you’d earn more flightstones than you’d ever spend simply by the rate of acquiring them.

In Season 3, is like Season 2. The major part that changes is that for Crafted Gear specifically requiring flightstones, you still spend less flightstones than if you were to use those crests spent on the enchanted crest to upgrade a similar piece of non-crafted gear the same way.

If you resort to thinking that you need to run trivial M+ for things like it was S1, you’ve lost sight of what “factual” means.

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a long winded post about nothing

more news at 11

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Did you heal this season or last?

It isn’t anything like you’re saying. Do you remember pushing SL S3 week 1 15s?

Necrotic Wake was LOOOOOOOL until it was nerfed into the GROUND.

People have such short memories here.

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He pulled the “but yer rating only 2700” card because he thinks 3k post-Aug makes him the big head-honcho.

Hell, I have been raiding with people who are 3.4~3.6k io that still don’t know what they are talking about half the time so whenever someone pulls that card I just laugh.

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That was again another tangent of a 2700 meta class player (for whatever reason, we all have different goals) trying to tell a 3k player that regardless of their off-meta class, I was carried…
Not sure about the rest of what you said. It is known that +11 and +17 are the ‘sweet spots’ for constant farming/carries. Regardless of your experiences, that is a thing up to and including today. The entire gearing phase of Season 2 for me, my friends, acquaintances from dungeons, was there was never enough Flightstones or crests so wanna do some 11s?(17s?)

I’d also like to point out I am directly addressing your red herring arguments, because I’m a great guy, very reasonable and solutions oriented.
On the flip side, you still haven’t told me what your personal investment is here after you assumed, and therefore did not read my OP.
3rd time- what is your goal here? Is it trolling? Or you are acting your age? Or you don’t want people to have fun? What is your goal? Why can’t you just go away instead of being consistently evasive and tangential? What is your goal?

What is your goal?

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