God everbloom the other ones I could tolerate, but that dungeon.
Bring back the choo-choo train.
I’l wouldn’t be surprised. Like usually legion and BFA dungeons. I’m sick and tired of these dungeons.
Go take classic, tbc, wotlk. At least they had decency to add cata, MoP and WoD dungeons. Why do we always have to have BFA and legion
This would be seriously lazy design. Not that we are used to some creative design from wow in last decade
This is nothing more than a rumor, if you look at the replies the person who posted it admits that they got it from Discord and the person who posted it there couldn’t give any kind of source. So this is probably just made up, though I think dataminers did find evidence for Siege making the list at least
Um why aren’t we getting dungeons from like this expansion?
King’s Rest
Glad I’m not melee if true.
Because some genius at Blizzard thought players would enjoy repeating older dungeons more than the new ones. For the final season? Sure. But the first season should have been all the DF dungeons.
hey, atleast it’s not Tol Dagor
Dawn of the Infinites is from DF. This list is probably bogus, but Dawn being the only DF dungeon is actually some I expect to happen, I think they’ll wait until season 4 to repeat the rest and actually do all 8 standard DF dungeons to close out the expansion.
I saw a list that was “leaked” that had every dungeon with the word “Halls” in its name.
We had a good laugh with it.
Hmm feels weird that the new dungeons are being ignored. Sorta dislike having to remember every mob mechanic in a dungeon every season. But I guess I’m just annoyed because I gotta do that and with all the classes I play, and all the new builds each season. It’s just a lot to keep track of.
I don’t know who thought Grim Batol was a good idea.
But I don’t think that list is correct. It’s always 4 current, 4 old.
Personally I’d be down if they added the mega dungeon and 6/8 of the new dungeons for season 3.
They can leave out azure vault and halls of infusion.
I hate halls too. Azure vault I sorta liked. Really liked the Acadamy place. Nohkud would be nice if they fixed the last mobs. Halls of Infusion the realy irritating parts are the frog poisons and the wave gauntlet. Its a clustersuck of camera positioning in that hall and with tanking wanting to position them so the melee hit their backs and your camera all over the place.
It was by the time the season ended. But it took too long and my hate is deeply rooted.
Always is a strong word for something thats only happened twice in the history of m+. Even sl s4 didnt follow this pattern, just df 1 and 2
I have no doubt the new mega dungeon will be split into 2 wings and made into mythic+. This has been how they have worked since Kara as far back as Legion and when mythic+ came out.
I am fairly sure, given the super hyper competitive nature of mythic+ and this community who fancies themselves gamer gods, siege won’t be in the pool for the slight differences between Horde and Alliance in the routes or it’ll be a standardized run. I can see KR but instead of siege I think it’ll be Shrine of the Storm before any others given that gives us an “alliance” and “horde” dungeon apiece and shrine can fit into whatever pending void theme is coming up.
Seems the last 4 are just randomly picked and none I want to see. Despite the meme effect, Grim Batol would be a stupid easy dungeon or a total slog if the drakes were not there. Either way it would need mechanically revamped. SPM is the same way. None of the mists dungeons age very well imo.
Everbloom would be a dumb pick and if it ever was, I’d have to insist Blizzard absolutely fix the terrain skipping variants otherwise it’ll 100% always be a clusterfrick of a key. Seat I am mixed on. I am not fond of that dungeon at all but it would make for a decent modern mythic+ dungeon.
M+ players want the easiest possible dungeons for the best possible rewards.
News at eleven…
That’s a lot of halls…Sethekk Halls would be hilarious to watch. Those Time-Lost Controllers still wipe groups in leveling and timewalking. Makes me laugh every time.
sure a survey would be nice. I also played in BfA, so i know what the fan favorites from that era were…didn’t you?
King’s rest & Siege would are pug nightmares - duh!
I should just make the list imo…guaranteed it would be way better than that!
It’s the pattern they said they’d follow and it’s really too soon to be the actual list.