Season 3 Issue

so are you guys still working on it or…

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Dude plays ele sham, definitely cooked

lets be honest theres a better chance they will buff guardian druid than fix this pvp season bug

Got me there :man_facepalming:

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Radio silence boys rip the end of season push

If you rearrange the letters in “Survival Hunter” you get “I play mage”. He defs got your number.


This is very true!

Still no update…

If they legit just end the season with no warning it’s spit in the face of the PvP community

Blizzard doesn’t care about PvP. Its been nearly 3 days and its not fixed yet.

There could be a lot of reasons it’s not fixed. What is truly unacceptable is the lack of communication and updates on the issue. It doesn’t take much to say “sorry we’re still looking into this” once a day just to let us know, you know, that you are in fact still planning on fixing it. Maybe even let players know “rest assured your achievements and wins will count during this time frame”.


^This so much. I understand that fixing code on a game as big as wow can be staggering. I’m sympathetic towards holiday times. I get that blizzard themselves may not know what they can or cant promise players because of the issues they’re facing, but please just keep people posted in one form or another. The whole 3 days of radio silence is absurd.

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I think this ample punishment for all the guardian players, it’s a shame the rest of us have to get grounded along with you.

maybe it’s cuz they’re not working on it, they’re just waiting for the IT guy to come back from his holiday, some people do take the whole new year’s week off.

I’m sure Blizz has more than one person they can use to fix the issue.

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Probably for their other games but not for WoW and definitely not for pvp issues.

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Even if it isn’t fixed, an update would be something.


They just announced a fix going out but any gains during the brief off season may not be retained.

You don’t seem to like guardian XD
I agree tho; I think guardian needs nerfs-namely remove the sac aura. Between breaking CC and stopping gos by just being there and having 100% uptime it’s too strong.

But I think rogue/mage, destro locks, and dk/dh with pve trinkets is just as-if not more broken. What’d you change to balance pvp?


/10 chars