Season 2 Azerite Armor is a SCAM (Outer ring not added to existing gear)

Well apparently we’ve all been complacent for the last 14 years so that ship has long since sailed.

They never modify existing gear… Other than maybe to allow you to raise ilvl or a hotfix because it was to powerful/weak

So… we should be mad that a new raid tier being released means that new gear is open for us to get, and that our old gear doesn’t upgrade for free?
Azerite gear (and tier gear, and PVP season gear, and generally most gear) does not work like heirlooms that pay for their own level upgrades.
This is basically a very very loud non-complaint.

Oh yes because Im saying that the ilv should increase too…

We’ve known this for a while.

Well, you’re demanding a direct increase in power on existing gear already, so you may well have demanded that too.
Just get the new gear.
This won’t be hard.
Arguing that you should be outraged by this is going to be harder than just getting new gear.

New raid tiers are a SCAM. You lose all your previous gear that you farmed for weeks only to BE FORCED to farm new gear from the new raid.


I’ve decided to combat this but playing my enhance shaman. Where most the rings suck and are stacked with healing benefits. This way I’m just annoyed as I always am!

You know what’s even WORSE? All the gear I farmed FOR MONTHS in Legion became COMPLETELY OBSOLETE in August last year when Blizz made me PAY for a new expansion! SCAM!


It’s just like how they made us upgrade our legendaries by doing thousands of chores, over and over and over in Legion. No one liked that.

You must feel so lucky to have each patch make the previous ones completely obsolete so you get the pleasure of having expansion level resets of power ever 5 months. That’s so much fun!!!

My GOD! The monsters behind this MUST be STOPPED!

It IS fun. I have a ton of alts. This makes gearing them all a snap, so that I’m not redoing the WQ -> Normal -> Heroic -> Mythic -> LFR -> R-Norm etc. grind on every single one.

If catch-up mechanics for others bother you so much, the smart thing to do is unsub until the next patch and take advantage of them yourself, or at the very least set yourself a goal in the game (like xmog farming) that isn’t dependent on ilvl.

Yes, what would be the point of a new patch if we weren’t getting new gear. That’s the whole point of WoW

Please, this has to be satire. That’s how WoW has always been

This is how gear has been since 2005… Every six months or so, you have to start over and grind it out again.

Is this guy new to the game? dungeon gear has never really changed throughout expansions besides ilvl increases and only raid tier changes.

People are getting so upset over a video game. You need a new hobby if this OUTRAGES you.

The stupidity, it flows.

Dripping with sarcasm, if it wasn’t obvious.

Huh? There is a new raid. Of course you are getting new gear anyways.