Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses are out

taste for blood was good design


it makes me horny


honestly, wotlk arms was so well designed its not even funny.

prefer mop warrior rotationally still tbh. not even counting the dumb stuff like second wind and safeguard breaking roots. i just prefer the way 5.4 war did damage

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I honestly don’t remember much of MoP war didn’t play it that long but I remember WoD war MS/Execute though lul

i’d like a single day of 5.0 tfb back just to 1tap a rogue after training their healer for 30s

Idk about disc but earth shock already crits for around 50k before magma chamber stacks so a 30% increase that can overload is more than welcome lol

: ( i wish they’d find another way to make rage interesting. slam costing an arm and a leg and being terrible dpr but high dpet was fun

rn on the beta i actually am having trouble spending fast enough, even in st/execute phases with a very rage hungry build as arms
im not even 70 yet w/ full talents
i love it

Destro is a bit unfortunate, but aff will prob be strong again. Maybe demo too with some tuning.

These can’t be the tier releasing they seem so unbalanced :joy:.

Some classes tier again looks like the absolute nuts why make a tier

I thought tier-set bonuses weren’t going to be for PvP in Dragonflight?

Honestly can’t wait to see all the crying when I’m cranking people for 5% of their health with my buffed crusader strikes as they melt standing in my consecration.


What gave that impression?

It’s spooky borrowed power streamer said it’s bad even tho it’s just a free talent

Well with the 30% buff to boj and crusader strike from shadowlands, pretty sure boj will hit like a truck with this and other talent that boost it after spender holy power

Honestly seems doubtful to me. Final Verdict is still the #1 damage source for Ret by far accounting for over 40% of my damage on the PvP target dummy with WM on in beta (not perfect to test with but best we got) with it’s highest hit being 165k damage on ~256k health pools (would be much lower in actual PvP). Blade of Justice is 4.9% of my damage with it’s highest hit being 36k damage (being much lower in actual PvP as well). Blade of justice is also affected by armor.

If I take every talent that buffs BoJ my highest hit goes to 43k and it’s proportion of my dps goes to 7.3%+1.5% from expurgation. The average BoJ hit is 12k and again this would be much lower in actual PvP. Even if you buff that 100% you not going to be hitting like a truck with it.

Ret simply isn’t designed to scale well with anything but FV/TV and trying to build the spec around anything but juicing up your spender is probably going to be a mistake. The dps increase from the set may be ok for PvE but in PvP it will add zero pressure and in fact will probably take away from it if you need to talent out of talents that buff holy damage in lieu of trying to increase BoJ damage and/or you’re required to take pieces of gear without versa/mastery to complete the set bonuses.

At this point it’s whatever to me and like I said previously Ret could still actually be really good/OP depending on what kind of tuning everything ends up with (enough damage can overcome a lot of design issues), but I just want to point out that these set bonuses are really really bad from a PvP standpoint.

Enhance set looks like it will barely do anything at all. Won’t even notice the difference having it on or not unless you run a lava lash build.

think that was really their goal, are enh not going lava lash? i dont play on sham discord
i leveled an enh on beta though i used
and i found i had a lot of spare globals waiting for buttons, be even worse without lava lash
and the 4 set would help with that, one of the weaker ones though for sure

I saw the RNG on it and stopped reading, they have an obsession with shaman and roulettes

I dig the theme of us weaving elements a ton but giving enhance a go on beta felt like whack a mole for a rotation

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