Season 1 Arena and RBG Title - Final Cutoffs

Will the next updated cutoffs include those who were DQ’d from receiving titles? Or will the next update be the final cutoffs?


Knowing blizzard, probably just the raw numbers to make their lives easier.

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Yeah, last season there were barely any DQs at all even after they had said they were gunna toughen up on the cheating punishments.


Good question!

Grats on 1st R1, has your heart rate slowed down?

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how you know whats safe?

Not my 1st rodeo :wink:

Yo pk what do u think alli ended at bud?

Id say 2940s is 95% safe. 2930s is 80% safe. Whatever # of spots we were told is off a blue post rating cutoff. No # of spots was given so we don’t know what ladder screenshot was used for cutoff math. Also Amne DQd cuz he said F THIS GAME after 80wins.

I’d remain skeptical having missed r1 by less than 8cr 3x, but I think Akkiira can sleep soundly.

Nerf Sinister Maledict trinket more btw.

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I would agree with this statement. The 2920-2925 spots are the sketchy ones that could go either way. If you’e above 2930 you’re probably fine ally side.

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the rogue having a mental breakdown over r1 prob as fire assas is the funniest thing about this thread

the actual state of this game now jesus christ, maledict trinkets, tank trinkets. It’s like Blizzard saw everyone using the tank trinket during the tourney and instead of thinking “Oh, that’s not good, that’s too strong.” they thought “Oh, wow! People really like this trinket! It must be fun and exciting to use lets make a pvp version!”

Gl on your r1 hoodrich you’re honestly probably fine


It’s been a couple days xd


And that is how gladiator doyle happend LOL

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They probably don’t have the proper resources to do the complex math >.< lol

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That’s a tilter xd can’t count spots lel google a few days it says 1-5 days


It’s been a few days. ETA on the next update? Will it be this week or are we gonna have to wait until next Tuesday?


Kind of disappointed that they only released one cutoff. Maybe the pvp team is extremely busy. lol

bah just let it be , just be greatful if you do get a r1 title

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guess this isnt happening omegalul

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They must be really busy or something. I betcha something like this takes a lot of man power at blizzard and with the lack of players, they just don’t have that man power. LOL

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