Search parameters

So, anyone help me figure out how to properly search the forums using the advanced feature? Specifically when it comes to this toon because I seem to have endless issues with it due to the accent marker.

I can search for example “forum” on my toon Xan-Medivh. And, I get all my posts with that word. But the same cannot be said for this toon.

I’ve even narrowed things down to exact date, post or thread, it just comes up empty.

It seems to be an accent marker issue. How are others able to search with that?

Are you just trying to find your own posts? You can always try looking at your activity log.ángreal-moon-guard/activity

Yes, just my own posts.

At times I want to find where I typed something specific and the search parameters work for all my toons, but this one. And it works flawlessly if I search via other people for things they said except when it’s a toon with accent markers. It always come up blank.

The search bar pops up with my name (in the advanced tab) so I know it’s the right toon not someone else’s. I’d rather not scroll through all of my activity. I mean that as well as other functions work fine.

I’m just wondering if I’m doing something wrong.

I’ll try to post screenshots. So I searched for “advanced feature” in my posts as of two days ago. Nothing. I searched for your response of “your activity log” and it pops up.
