Seal Twisting not working as it used too

In TBC SoC could proc SoB doing 3 seals and once now in SOD SoM does not proc out of SoC making it way way worse than it used to be.

Also SoR is not proccing art of war making it useless to prot paladin and the seal does 200% crit damage but the judge only 150%…


I was just looking at the same thing, Twisting needs huge buffs to even keep up with exo spam. I think twisting should be doing at least 10% more DPS at minimum based on the difficulty but its way worse at the moment.


Also, there are a lot less 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 weapon speeds. The average speed is so much faster making command proc less often. Command needs a proc chance adjustment and to add it proccing martyr back.

Has this been fixed yet?

Why would a Prot Paladin be using Exorcist Rune???

As for the crit damage and lack of AoW proc…this makes sense.

I believe Spell crits are 2x while Melee crits are 1.5x. AoW is only proccing off melee crits. Which means SoR’s hit is counted as ‘melee’ while Judgements should all be counted as ‘spell’.

Every good prot paladin takes exorcist rune. It’s the only way to deal damage as both Ret and Prot. What are you talking about?

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Every prot I’ve seen has used AV with either DS or Consecration, along with Holy Shield. – Personally, I went with Ret-tank, but I still use AV because I don’t have Consecration and Divine Storm doesn’t do that much Threat (imo; see ‘plug’).

I will say I haven’t grouped since Incursions on the main. And my alts are too low level to see HoR in action.

I figured most would have stuck with AS and ran something like: AS, Consecration, and HoR for max AoE threat while using Aegis + Imp. Sanctuary (with obvious BoSanc talented) to ‘not die’ from the large pulls.

((Making another ‘plug’ to have Divine Storm’s damage changed to Holy.))

So this was one of the few times my question wasn’t done in snark.

Probably because it’s by far the best leg slot rune for them.

Yeah no, good prots take exo. AS wont do 10% of its dps, its useless.

It just for an alternative style, it isn’t meant to be the most competitive. Also what kind of a joke is “it should be doing more based on the difficulty” firstly that has never been the case, look at Munter performance vs difficulty.
Secondly seal twisting is in no way difficult, let alone wnough to warrant a larger dps margin.

The difficulty of seal twisting lies in knowing it exists and downloading a swing timer. (Or in release TBC having an internet connection that was fast enough)

I see Prot Pallies criting 50% of the time constantly proccing AoW and spamming Exo.
They can do some hella damage when things work out for them.
Or tank was slapping some of the worse dps classes (balance/spriest) last week. Did more Exo damage than both of our Rets too lol.

I’m coming from the perspective of AoE tanking, as Ret, without Consecration (maybe one day I’ll get done with HoR Rune quest chain). Divine Storm just wasn’t enough to keep everything on me, so I went with AV to supplement.

((Again. Blizzard, please make Divine Storm do Holy Damage.))

AoW exo procs will still do more AOE dmg than most things, you’re just going to tab target and press exo every GCD. There is no other rune that comes close to it.

You’re cute but lets be honest. When Twisting was a real thing in classic, it’s the class with the biggest difference in parse numbers based on skill. You can claim that it just requires watching a swing timer but if that were true, there wouldn’t have been the glaring fact that there was a massive skill gap in Rets in raid. I had other Rets in my guild I tried to teach, gave them weak aura’s that basically did it for them but they couldn’t process using skills and moving at the same time. It’s far more complicated than you’re trying to imply. It only makes me think you’re one of the Ret’s that cant do it.

Yes, succesfully twisting in a raid setting with overly complicated mechanics that constantly require you to move, SHOULD grant massively higher DPS than having an auto clicker on Exo for it coming off cool down or macroing it into all your other skills so it’s the only thing that gets used.

In your next reply you specifically point out the biggest problem with Exo spam. If I don’t have ACP (a level 40 blue weapon that out paces every epic level 50 weapon?), its likely that tanks keep up with Ret DPS that haven’t got 4k gold for darkmoon decks and a million consumables. I really Enjoyed TBC because I could go in and be TOP DPS because I was good and not because I farm more than someone else.

But again, you’re complaining about a thing that doesn’t even affect you. You can play melee hunter or even Exo spam if you want it easy. I’ve seen terrible paladins parse 99s just because they get ACP and it’s disgusting. Not to mention, they didn’t really even add Twisting so still you’re complaining about a thing that isn’t even possible.

Not complaining about nothing, I’m just saying what it is, an alternate playstyle that Blizzard added as a test (read their post) because people kept crying for it. It isn’t meant to necessarily be a competitive option, and it most likely hasn’t even been considered balance wise. (They can’t even balance what they have)

Trying to claim it’s the pinnacle of difficulty though and should be rewarded is just disingenuous or naive, it’s really no more difficult than any other class rotation that actually had abilities to use.
Don’t get me wrong, it is more punishing to mess up and if that was your argument I completely agree. But difficult, not really.

You keep repeating it, but you keep being wrong. I’m starting to think you just like to argue. Yes it was the pinnacle of ret difficulty. I never said it was more difficult than any other class, I directly related it to other rets with data to back up its difficulty. You’re just saying your opinion. While opinions are great and I’m proud of you for having one, it’s also important that I tell you, you’re wrong.

Difficulty should be rewarded and that’s why raids reward better gear than the Deadmines. Being punishing to mess up, also implies difficulty. You argue then contradict yourself every reply, its kind of confusing. I guess that’s why you have so many forum posts, this is what’s fun to you?

Again, they haven’t really added Twisting yet, so we’ll see what it does IF they do add it completely.

What ever makes you feel superior bud, you do you. But one of those drinking birds can also press a button at a regular interval so…

I heard a rumor that this was going to be fixed. Hope so, I’d love to not feel obligated to use SoM someday.

why would you care about dealing damage as tank? let the dps do dps.

More damage = more threat = dps dont need to throttle = more dps from dps.

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