Seal twisting martyr and command

I want to reiterate, it was blizzard who said at blizzcon, Sod is about making other classes more op, and warriors less op.

Looking at the dps charts. It’s safe to say they’ve done a poor job.

This brings me to my point, why are paladins not allowed to seal twist martyr and command. People are acting like this will break the game, but the logs show that it definitely won’t lol. If you don’t like seal twisting, guess what! they made a rune called DIVINE STORM IN THE SAME SLOT AS MARTYR.

So not only is the seal twisting gameplay not possible, its also inferior to divine storm. I don’t see why you just don’t let those who want to seal twist be able too. It’s a joke that it was in the beta and got removed because to many people complained.


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Since you asked nicely…


Blame the FOTM Ret rollers who can’t stand the idea of having an option for Seal Twisting for those who have been playing Ret through Classic and TBCC.

Seal twisting is an unintuitive system that is based on a bug/exploit. It was kept in classic era/tbcc purely for preservation of authenticity for those original versions of the game, that does not, however, make it a healthy gameplay loop.

If you need an addon to do your gameplay consistently, its bad design. Im glad the devs of SoD are pushing away from twisting as a system, and I would rather see some form of more intuitive gameplay loop that produces the same results, like having a passive seal, and an active strike you can queue up like heroic strike. Still lets you get 2 seal effects off like you do when twisting, but doesn’t have the issues of needing addons, or knowing about some esoteric bug from 20 years ago


What kinda dps tunnel vision parsing paladin gives a crap about ooming themselves with seal twisting? Be a real paladin and DPS as much as you can while keeping an eye on the needs of the group with an offheal here and there… Warcraft logs has really been the death of this game lol

SoM is low mana cost, it doesn’t OOM you when twisting with SoR. On Era, one twists with max SoC and SoR rank 3 due to its superior spell coefficient.

As for ‘tunnel visioning’, that’s a skill issue. Like playing an instrument, with practice one performs Seal Twisting naturally. The addon is a useful reference, but people arguing in bad faith misconstrue it as the entirety.

I can toss offheals and BoPs when needed while Seal Twisting. I primarily find enjoyment in the playstyle as it offers an extra layer beyond mindlessly pressing buttons when abilities come off CD.

None of that changes the fact that its completely unintuitive and degenerate gameplay that doesnt match at all with the style of gameplay that is classic. No other system or ability in the game requires timing your abilities with a variable swing timer in such a binary “succeed/fail” manner.

And its clear that the SoD devs recognize this, and dont want to encourage seal twisting as a legitimate gameplay loop. I would rather a better, more well designed system for double seals be implemented, rather than seal twisting.

Maybe just have a rune that lets us have 2 seals up at a time or whatever

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You sure love your buzzwords.

And yes, Seal Twisting is all about timing. Ever hear of risk/reward factor? Take that away and it would prove far too easily powerful without that factor, especially in PvP.

Rogue players don’t whine nearly as much about energy ticks SMH.

You pretty much didnt address any of my points, so I’m just gonna take that as you not having anything valuable to add to the conversation.


  1. You’re only looking at raids. Warriors suck in pvp.

  2. All casters are bad in the raid right now.

As someone who played ret with twisting in tbc…

Twisting + divine would absolutely break the game. The dmg would far pass anything else in the game.

With a good seal twister in tbc, u can be top dps on fights without aoe…now add divine? Would be so OP that i would definitely play it.

Blizz make it happen. Hahaha

Did you read my post? Probably not. You wanting to strip away the requirement of timing one’s seals for twisting would make it way too powerful with little effort. In PvP, that would be detrimental.

Also, the swing time for paladins is not variable. Paladin doesn’t have Flurry like warriors do, but I’m repeating myself since you’re just repeating the same drivel as during our past exchanges.

Whatever, you’ll be back to calling it degenerate on the next thread about the subject.

Did u ever play ret bcus thts 100% false.

If you dont change seals at the proper moment u basically will never be able to land proper twists…and u need the timer to do it…the best rets in tbc all used timers for this purpose 0% chance u played ret and if u did u sucked at twisting lol

Maybe i missed something from your convo, my bad if i did***

The addon is a useful reference, but it’s a static swing time with .4 second leeway. If you’ve actually played with it for any extended duration, swing timing with seal twists becomes natural.

A number of rogue players use addons for energy ticks as well, but with practice one can naturally time their abilities with them. They don’t whine incessantly about it either

SoM is mutually exclusive with DS. One can twist SoC/SoR right now while running DS, but downranking SoR isn’t enough right now compared with later, plus if one is also running Exor the GCD overlap would be crazy.

Rogues only care about their tick timers on the opener, and theres literally 0 way to “naturally time it” if you’re at full energy, because you have no frame of reference to time it to.

But thats also a false equivalency, because getting your first energy tick a little bit sooner is a minor optimization, and not a binary pass fail for your entire action. It also, as I said, only affects your opener, outside of that, you literally never need to worry about energy tick timing.

But youd know all that if you ever actually played a rogue, so I assume youre just taking from a 2nd hand pov


Warriors do have more swing time interactions though, to be more on the subject. Heroic Strike queueing and Slam batching where one does have to deal with a variable swing time due to Flurry, unlike paladins.

Granted, you didn’t bother responding to the rest of my post and opted to just nitpick on an offhand comment. Funny that.

We don’t need seal twisting, we need crusader strike/ DS to proc seals.

Again, not binary pass/fail mechanics. The better you do them, the more value you get, but you dont completely fail and get 0 throughput if you do them poorly, you just spend some rage on a hs for cancelling too late, or miss an auto here or there for cancelling too soon, or clip an auto for mistiming your slam

And if you screw up a twist, you’ll have one seal go through. :person_shrugging:

Not cancelling HS can rage starve a warrior, and mistiming Slam can lose an entire auto which for 2h is more consequential.

Warriors also, unlike paladins as you’ve repeatedly claimed, have Flurry accounting for a variable swing time.