<Sea Wolves> Neutral RP Guild

We’re ready for cross faction guilds. Come sail the seas with us and get into shenanigans.

Where be the horde and alliance be to join the guild.

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Bumping this because we are still looking for more crew. Horde or Alliance, we take them all!

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It was really cool to meet you and get to hangout at the SW Guild Faire!!

Loved seeing Bartimay (and for a hot second, Huan) at the Guild Faire, best of luck to you guys!

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We got several RP lines forming up and I am trying to get tied into some of the larger plots that are floating around. If you want to join a group of friends who enjoy RP and playing the game give us a shout.

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O captain my captain! Tome to set sails to the seas and plunder booty.

I’m giving this a push. We are still very much looking for new members. It’s even easier now that we’ve got a single guild for both sides. :slight_smile:

Psst! Avast there! Ye come seekin adventure and salty ol’ pirates, aye?

Well then bucko, set course for them wolves of the sea. They are a stouthearted bunch and certainly gets the approval of Captain Billy Skellig.


Oh, I think I like ye, Cap’n Skellig.

Takes an old and damaged flyer posted on the filthy wall of an old tavern

-Maybe its the sea calling again, or im drinking too much of this garbage…

Its this guild still alive? If so, ill like to see ya in action.

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Bumping this because we are still looking for more crew.

Hey Sea Wolves! Do you guys have an rp hub you run out of? or do much world rp? (if not that is okay too but I have some ideas of a plot brewing and was wondering if any of you had any interest)

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Been working and didn’t see this. Sorry Lucy! We tend to ICly operate outta Boralus at the ship near the academy. We just started a new event chain if any of yall wanna join in the fun!

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I have no idea how I’ve missed this. All I can say if I’ve been very busy and I apologize. If you are still interested, please let me know.

Ill put some stuff together and ask some more questions later then! Thank you!

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Awesome, thank you. I’m sorry we took so long. Life absolutely got the better of us, I think.

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Hey dont worry it. Life comes first here. Dont burn yourself out over some fictional characters! Im not going anywhere and am quite patient. Yall are good folk.

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Thank you so much for understanding. We try and keep things chill in the guild, I just don’t like the idea that anyone may thing they’re being ignored. It’s not our intention, things just got real intense for me for a bit. I think it did for everyone.

Thank you, again. :slight_smile: