Scryer/Aldor turn-in macro no longer works

I am currently wanting to turn in Fel Armaments into Ishanah for Aldor rep. This macro worked when I was turning in signets to Scryer last year, but post-9.0 it doesn’t work for me anymore. Anyone know how it should be styled now?

#showtooltip Fel Armament
/script SelectGossipAvailableQuest(2)
/script CompleteQuest()
/script GetQuestReward()

Does this work for the SelectGossipAvailableQuest? No quest givers nearby to test, but seems likely:

/run SelectAvailableQuest(2)

/run GossipFrame_GetTitleButton(2):Click()
/run CompleteQuest()
/run GetQuestReward()
I found this on one of Gello’s other posts and it worked for me

#showtooltip Fel Armament
/run C_GossipInfo.SelectAvailableQuest(2) CompleteQuest() GetQuestReward()