Scrooge - Winterveil Achievement (Horde) Bugged

Baine Bloodhoof only shows up during the introductory Winterveil quest turn in at Thunderbluff, but is untargetable with snowballs for the Scrooge achievement. Upon relogging, he disappears. Baine Bloodhoof in Oribos is also untargetable by snowballs.


I am having this issue as well

same issue, after a couple /reload he disappears

i am also having this issue, i put a ticket in and of course nothing. hopefully blizzard can fic this would love to get my violet proto drake

same issue. How?!

Need this to get Violet Proto Drake this year, please fix!

I SO want it to be fixed… It is extremely annoying to be answered to go check Wowhead though…

Having this same issue. Some have apparently had luck in Oribos, but it still doesn’t work for me.

According to Blizzard’s hotfix notes, Baine was made targetable in Oribos for this achievement. It still does not work though, same thing as in Thunder Bluff (untargetable with snowball). I submitted an in-game ticket regarding this. Waiting on reply.

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I’m experiencing the same issue, and he IS NOT targetable in Oribos

same issue, went back to TB, not there, went to Oribos, cant target him, just keeps saying out of range

I have the same issue. WoW support replied to the ticket to check here and WoWhead…

The reply to my ticket was that they could not assist me and to check the forums for a resolution. It would have been nice to know reporting their failed “hotfix” was acknowledged, but hey all I do is pay to play the game.

oh that scares me , been working pretty hard to get what a long strange trip

Also throwing in my 2c to say this is bugged. Support told me to reset UI and turn off addons but that didn’t work. They also said to check wowhead and the few suggestions didn’t work either.

I’d really like to get the drake this year and not have to wait until next Christmas…

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I went to Oribos today and immediately tried throwing my snowball at him while he was sitting and it worked. I did not disable any addons or reset anything. I guess keep trying it every day.

This is bugged for me as well, addons on and off

Just got it done in Oribos, i tried throwing at Baine for 3 days straight. Can confirm it works addon on and off. Probbaly just a minor bug on winter veil event first 2 days.

Same for me, I really hope they fix this I’d HATE to have to wait another year, I tried throwing a snowball at Baine at the great seal also nothing, He was at TB the first day, threw a snowball at him there didn’t get credit now he just won’t show up