"Scrooge" Winter Veil Achievement not able to be completed as Horde

In the Scrooge achievement you are supposed to throw a snowball at Baine Bloodhoof. Neither the Baine in TB or Oribos is targetable by Snowballs and gives you the error message “Out of range.”

Also, after speaking to a number of other players, it seems Baine does not show up in TB at all for some. I’m guessing this is a phasing issue.


Seeing the same here as well.

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I’m in Thunder Bluff. I can target him and toss one at him. You can see it hits him but no achievement :tired_face:

In Thunderbluff rn and getting the “out of range” message over and over :frowning:

Also tried Oribos and no go as well also “out of range”

Yea same deal here. They mentioned in the hotfix that he can be targeted for the achieve but still no luck.

same here doesnt work in oribos or thunderbluff

Still not working for me as of 12/17 despite hotfix

EDIT: After going to TB to find Baine not there, logging out/back in, and then going back to the Baine in Oribos, I was able to throw the snowball and get the achievement. (I was unable to throw it at the Baine in Oribos prior to doing this)


Can confirm Oribos Baine is now working after today’s hotfix. GL on the achieve!

Did you hit him in Oribos And get the achievement there?

I don’t have Baine in Oribos yet and can’t get this to work in TB or Zandalar. Has anyone had any luck these places? Already tried disabling AddOns etc, and bug submission is not working of course.

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I tried looking for Baine today there and couldn’t find him (was looking at map pins on Wowhead). Where should he be located?

I got the achievement in Oribos today! He’s located on the main floor at 38, 66 (sitting on the ground)

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Just to let anyone who is having trouble with this know, you might already have the achievement. I got it when I threw a snowball at Muradin Bronzebeard back during Cata. You might want to check your cheeves.

For anyone still struggling even after doing the oribos + log in out in TB stuff, or trying to remove addons etc etc. I finally found him after completing the quest ‘the feast of winterveil’ where you have to read ‘the feast of winterveil’ book and return it to, get this, BAINE IN TB. He shows up to accept the book. I snowballed him before turning in (just in case he’d dissapear again) and got credit just fine. Just seems to be a winterveil quest but i cant remember where i picked it up exactly. GL!

Confirmed. The starting quest is “The Reason For The Season” from Furmund next to the central hall in Orgrimmar. Turn in at the Valley of Wisdom and pick up next quest “The Feast of Winter Veil.”