Scripted encounter 8/8H recruiting for mythic

Updated for progress

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Ok back again

need a demon hunter add killercamerx#1189 ( my guild starting to fall apart… and becoming very toxic)

Unfortunately not so much, really looking for select melee, do u play a warrior or rouge? Potentially a ret.

Weekend time

Need spriests and warlocks

Interested in exceptional ranged dps. Will consider: warlocks, spriests, mages, boomkins, ele shams. Bonus for being willing to swing heal if needed.

Always forget Scripted encounter H 8/8H area 52 recruiting for mythic - #52 by Occisiospark-area-52

lets go get them boss kills join this guild btw

And that late night boss bump

Up to thrll top

8/8h lets get it

And up we go

Ranged we need em, especially that purple one.

Still need range and select melee

Still need ppl to get back into mythic leggo

Where all the locks ans mages

To the top

Early bird special