Scripted encounter 8/8H recruiting for mythic

Hey guys Chad the intern here, so I started interning for a new company so I got some ss-4’s and 1099 R’s to pass around so bare with me. Ok now that, that is done you can take your seat and we can begin. Have you ever dreamed of making all your friends jealous, and envious of your numerous achievements in life? Have you ever wanted to get so much gains you can bench press 40x your own body weight? Ever wanted to not he able to leave the house without a wetsuit on and a inflatable raft?

Well good news for you then since Scripted Encounter has hired me to recruit you. It’s that time of year when the time comes to open the flood gates,and get back to the old grindstone. With the dawn of a new teir looming on the horizon, 8/8H looking to recruit some range dps and healers, lead by a 7/9m team, looking to round out their roster to go back into mythic.

We raid Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday 8-11 PM est. So not a super hard schedule,so it’s more about being on your A game. Since we all are working professional adults, that like to get together and push mythic content. Whether it be mythic+, mythic raiding,doing the raid achieves for fun. The overall goal though pushing for that sweet sweet nectar of cutting edge.

Now I know everyone here is on the edge of there seats with anticipation, with how you can get yourself a invite. Now we believe in complete transparency, so it wouldn’t feel right without saying are needs and wants. So let’s get to brace tacs and the nitty gritty.


*range-warlocks,spriest,mage,hunter, boomkins, ele

  • Healers- rshaman.

All others not on the list are a low priority but does not mean you wont be considered so feel free to add spark

But anyone feel free to scroll down to the bottom of this post and add anyone to get in contact with one of us to inquire more.


  • Be on time and prompt
  • Bring your best
  • Food
  • Flask
  • Potions
  • A pulse
  • The ability to breath through ur nose
  • Not to live with your mother but if you do that is cool but be respectful to her.
  • Be able to bench your own body weight.

So that concludes are interview for the day, since I just got a memo that someone is in desperate need of coffee and lunch. So unfortunately This has to get called short, so please go and add sparkytiz#1491, to complete the survey and let my boss know how, i did. or add chaddaintern#1732 and as always chad factor out.

Ez clap :smiley:

I sent you both a friend request

Awesome ! Will get to em once i get home

Morning jive post

Sent a bromance request.

I assume you are glidder bomb lol and i have received your bromance

That morning chad check

My name is uncle steve

o man uncle steve!>!!

edited for class updates

Morning check

Today is the day

added and great conversation

Edited for class needs

I can see the weekend from here

Thank god for friday

Don’t see it one the list but do you have room for a Rogue? I switched toons a few months back and been working on and enjoying a Rogue if not I could go back to this Mage. I’ve cleared 4/9 M on Mage and pug Opulence and Conclave Mythic with a guild from Mal’Ganis on Rogue. If interested in either toon post back and I’ll add ya when I get home or just add me jas89tta#1623 My rogue Thanks

Yea can always fit in a second rogue let me add ya and we can chat it up

possibly closing the books on melee