Script to assign macro to action bar slots

What I’d like to be able to do is assign one specific macro to all of my action bar slots with a script.

Nothing drives me more batty than the UI auto placing spells as I learn them. The only way I’ve found to stop this is to fill all the slots. So, I’ve got a blank macro that I drag to all of my action bars on new characters. As you can imagine, that gets tedious fast, and I’m wondering if there’s a way to automate it much like the script to clear all the action bars.

ElvUI has a method of preventing it. Might want to see what they’re doing (might be cuz they use custom bars, I haven’t looked.)

ElvUI just isn’t my cup of tea. (And as for figuring out how they do it, if I could do that I could probably figure out the script I’m looking for. :laughing: ) I’ll also admit that I’ve gotten used to seeing my macro in the blank spots and prefer how it looks to the regular blank space.

There’s an api to pick up a macro to the cursor, so what I’m looking for should be doable, I just have no clue how to script lua.

So looks like there’s a CVar for it, which is what ElvUI toggles on and off AutoPushSpellToActionBar

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