Script Hard Target not Soft Target

Hello, I’m struggling to find an answer.
WoW’s new feature Soft Targeting (action combat) is nice and all.
I setup a script in Weak Auras to highly my Soft Target easily enough with a circle
But I’m trying to get another to show on my Hard Target, when they are in fact locked on, instead of a loose hard target.

So far the script will have two targets. My soft with the circle and another “hard target” but it’s not locked on, it’s loose, attacking the soft will change it.

I’m trying to get it so it’ll only show the Hard Target symbol I made only when it’s locked on (when I manually target, with keybind NearestTarget)

The wikis only show “Anyenemy” and “softenemy” and “target”
but so far, “Anyenemy” and “Target” do practically the same thing. it considered soft target as a trigger. and yes I’ve tried “hardenemy” but that does not work.

So far I have it set that if the soft-target matches Target, then not to show the circle pattern for soft targets. so that much is working.

The main question is… is there any code that can determine if something is actually hard targeted vs this loose hard target?

PS: the ground targeting circle does change from loose to hardtarget, as the only indicator, but can be hard to see in combat. Loose target is faded, and brighten when locked on.

target vs softinteract

Please read my post, “Target” still counts softtargets too. I want hard locked on targets only. Which also makes it hard to make a macro that only targets hard target, else target self.

with “target” it will prioritize hard target, but if none exists, it’ll default to soft. which is not what I want for this indicator I’m trying to make.

So you’re saying target returns true for softenemy and softfriend?
anyenemy clearly states that it uses both, prioritizing target, so that’s useless to you.

That is correct. Difference of Target vs anyenemy is Target can apply for both friend and enemy.

Think you might be SOL then.

Best I can do for now is just hide if any softenemy exists
still makes it show far enough away, mildly annoying, but best I can do for now, unless Blizzard updates to have specific locked targets be another unit ID