Screenshots of ED - 2012

Hey! Kaelsy here. Formerly of the Blacktooth Grin Clan, Desolation Brewing Co, Project Mayhem, The Crew, you know…the good times!

I was going through screenshots and put together a small imgur album from around 2012ish of ED when it was by far the best server in WoW history.


Ok. Nevermind. I’m not able to include links in my post. Anyone want to PST me and I’ll get them the link to post? - Kaelsy#1973


Hey, I watched your eots video a month or so ago. It’s Perenador from Keepers of Stromgarde. I’ll hit you up.

Got it! You are in a lot the old screenshots from wpvp!

I will send you a request

Bunch of name drops for Veco guilds that transferred over back then. Making me feel old.

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