I’m looking for some advice on screen resolution for my next monitor in order to help me with my claustrophobia.
For a long time I have been gaming on 3440 x 1440. Which has been very nice.
Except at one point blizzard made changes to the max camera distance and these changes have made me feel claustrophobic since.
With how close I am to my character it greatly impacted my vertical viewing distance.
If I change to 3840 x 1600 from 3440 x 1440 will I notice any increase in vertical FOV being rendered?
As far as I can tell resolution doesn’t affect vertical FOV and In terms of screen aspect ratio 3440 x 1440 is less “ultrawide” wide then 3840 x 1600.
What seems confusing to me is changing my resolution lower seems to reduce my horizontal FOV but my vertical FOV only gets compressed and doesn’t change.
Am I wrong about this?
Can anyone recommend how I can increase my vertical horizontal FOV and alleviate my claustrophobia.
Thank you ^-^
Hi Puppy,
I understand that the changes to “Max Camera Distance” are causing you some distress - sorry to hear that!
Before you start looking at potential hardware solutions, I just want to make sure that you’ve looked at the potential software solutions.
I’m the author of a small addon and I’m constantly playing with various settings and variables. Quite often Blizzard will ‘hide’ options, rather than ‘remove’ them - this happens to be the case with “Max Camera Distance”.
Have you tried manually changing “Max Camera Distance”? It can make a pretty dramatic difference from the default settings.
If you haven’t, try this:
/run SetCVar("cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor", 2.6)
If that works but it resets, you can probably add
SET cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 2.6
to your Config-cache.wtf file or you can do what I did and install the Advance Interface Options addon which exposes a bunch of these hidden settings and allows you to change them - you can adjust the distance setting here up to a maximum of a 2.6 multiple.
If you’ve tried this previously and it doesn’t zoom out enough for you, then we’ll need one of the hardware guys to jump in.
Let me know if this works or if you need more help with it.