Screen goes white on login

From the launcher I hit the login button for WoW and then my screen goes white. My second screen went red the first time I tried and blue the second time. I hear the login music for a second before that disappears.

I am then left with a blank screen and no sound. Nothing I do on the keyboard, such as ctrl Alt Delete makes any difference. In the end I am forced to reboot the computer. I have been running wow on this computer for several years and nothing has been changed since I logged out yesterday.

This is on a Windows 10 system.

Edit: I’ve installed the latest GUI driver, followed instructions on clearing the cache, and the only difference it made was to run the BfA cinematic before reverting to white screen as soon as it was done.

Further edit: I now find that the same thing occurs with other games, so it’s not wow specific. There’s something wrong with my computer but I have no idea what.

I have just started getting the same, have not experienced it on other games though.

Hey, Deadchic! We’re a bit limited here, but I wanted to provide some suggestions that might help with this issue. Drivers and hardware is the main concern with the different colored screens happening with the music continuing to play. Try reinstalling the drivers using the DDU (display driver uninstaller) tool, and if it continues, check for overheating.

Most graphic cards should not go over 80C. Most processors should not exceed 70C. Some AMD processors like certain FX series, have a lower max temperature at around 61-63C. If the temperatures are a bit too warm, the computer may need a good cleaning since dust can cause a system to get a bit too warm. Check that the fans are all running as well. In some cases, the thermal paste may need to be reapplied.

With this happening with other games now, this could indicate some major hardware concerns and you’ll need to have a local technician look into the issue.