Scourge invasions in era

Can we get yearly scourge invasions in classic era? Would be good to get to replace conc stones/UDS. And it’s not added content, it’s content in the game. Like yearly holidays that still pop up (how we can farm chocolate boxes every valentines)

Also every 12 months close the AQ gates so that they have to be re-opened; this would be a lot of fun simply because the war effort is rough in the jungle.

Could do something like AQ and Naxx are on opposite ends of a 12 month re-start, and the AQ event is every Summer and Naxx ever winter; something like this.

Hard thing with that is it takes a server wide effort. 60 people playing on era could still farm conc stones. Not a bad idea though.

Or rotating yearly, so it’s actually 2 year cycles.

I think that if people knew they could get some of the cool stuff from the event they may just do it. Many guilds and even GDKP guilds may even require tribute to join raids to prep for the AQ event / gate.

could be a new interesting and fun meta.