Scourge Invasion 2.0

Ion has confirmed it’s going to be worldwide, scourge invasion 2.0

I think the first scourge invasion was part of the Naxxramas patch event. I think I still have gear from the original one on my warrior in the bank.

The second was at the end of BC.

So this will be the third.


I just really hope they do not get lazy on this like with the darkshore invasion and such. Give us stuff that matters, and is going away. Something to put effort into doing, aside from the mount that only takes one run

Technically this would be the 3rd invasion, going nax event, pre wrath event, pre shadow event.

Technically technically it would be the 4th invasion, Warcraft 3 being the 1st nax 2nd wrath 3rd and pre shadowland being the 4th

Here’s my question. Flavor-wise, is it even going to feel good? Fighting random Scourge monsters who are simply unchained seems very meh. In most invasions, you have the sense you are holding the line against the enemy and you’re going to push forward and defeat them. The Scourge have nothing to do with the Jailer. It’s literally just a recycled event.

An analogy would be like fighting the Shadow Council before going to Argus.

Things may be getting into motion cross all fingers

Did you just make your own definition of wow to fit your agenda?

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I’d love to see this event offer some rewards. There should be a means to an end with all of the coming chaos.

Yeah I heard him say this same request and did the “yes” arm pump internally.

He 100% did.

I hope we get the reskined helm for the set. I have been using it since transmog came out but few helmets fit it well… Oh also the belt would be nice.

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Even the guards in the Sactum of Light have the full set, it’s time the real Highlords can wear it too!

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HD upscaled Undead Slayers armor sets please.

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Yes! Give me Undead Slaying armor back please, but even better!

With more pixels! And even a matching belt! A belt would be awesome.

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