I’m Lannan from Serenity. I was a guild officer and raid leader. I played a rogue back then through most of vanilla and BC when some of us formed Calamitous Intentions.
I played a lot with Blackthorne from our early days starting in MC all the way through vanilla. Good to see you again man!
Played a lot with IRL friends Varrin/Dedraiaken/Nevra as well as Chiza, Swayze, and Cyrinity.
I was in Serenity towards the end of Vanilla (I started late) and joined Calamitous Intentions afterwards. I usually ran with Cy (Cyrenity?) who was a warrior, and Nuclearkitty… Once in a while Jobiwan (priest) depending on when it was.
Back then, I was an Undead Holy Priest named Addictdtosin, or Sin for short. Also had an Undead Mage named Evadine.
I remember a few of you, particularly Pantyraider (I remember thinking your name was so clever, haha) and JxQ, Johnnywalker and Methedman.
I’m not sure if i’m blending expansions, but I also ran with Roguecliche “Roggle”, Quetzlcoatl, Ravibbg and a couple others.
Carnalkillz - Troll Ele sham, my brother was beckstar-blood elf rogue and mjrpain - tauren Ele sham.
We didnt actually start playing till a few months into BC, but figured I’d give it a shot. I probably was super annoying if anyone remembers, given that I was 11 years old lol. The first guild I raided with I believe was called Tau maybe? Slowwilly I believe was the GM, troll resto sham. The Scilla infamous Enshtraka was in there too before hitting and shortly after hitting 70. Currently playing on Herod as a Horde mage named Chrisbkreme
Joshj was so dope. He helped the guild I was in when we first started raiding I believe in Kara, and had an alt parked in the guild called Shanknbake i believe. He would joke with me about not talking in Vent (I was 11 but didnt want anyone to know LOL) and he would always say “ya well im 14 and im talking.” I remember him being friends with a fury warrior named Thof maybe? And a boomkin who’s name eludes me but I was friends with up through Wrath.
Haha wow yeah I vaguely remember something about Shanknbake lol…
Joshj and Strebor iirc were irl buddies, and they rocked out with us old farts in BaMF for quite some time. Man we all had some crazy fun times. If ya ever “see” them say hey for Lountae and Zorlak. After vanilla we helped him level that paladin for daaaaays
Still looking for Lazzarus/Maindora. Also Scotebouy, Ash, Shandalf, Getpunched, Pneuma, any old BaMF. Some of the BC members of Culling might remember Maindora he used to tank a bit, we grouped with Partyrock a lot. Could go on for days lol, anyways…
I was there, from the Ace crowd that transferred over from Mannoroth. Can’t even remember what I was playing at the time, Neflite - Undead Warlock or maybe my orc warrior, Sacrosanct. Also, what’s up Fadesplice? Long time no see.
@Kazorel! I had seen Lannan’s post the other day and Just saw yours. I couldn’t figure out how to edit my other post to tag you and Lannan in it. so this is it.