Scilla Alliance Reconnections

OLD Seraphs group HYYYYPE.

Snakeboi here

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haha I do remember that dead undead mage always there

Not too bad! I’m feeling pretty ancient now myself, lol. What are you thinking of doing for Classic? Hope more of the CTD crew turn up! Maybe we can summon Kersh if we do a ritual.

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Hi all! My main toons were alliance: Lorfina(night elf druid), Lorfin(night elf hunter), Gargumel(human warlock), Prophetofire(human mage), and a few others. Originally was in Seraphs of Ruin and then transitioned to EXE. Played with them and Marcee was the last GM before I eventually switched to Horde Decimators with Trueknight being the GM.


I was a Gnome Mage named Glow

Lead PvP groups for titles

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Well I am definitely going to be getting my paladin booted back up. What realm are you thinking of playing on? We should get CtD back! Hope more of them show.

Replied with wrong character :sweat_smile:

Keiku, NELF Female Rogue! !!!

Memorable guilds from server at the time besides my own would be Brethren, and perhaps some Horde guilds, I rolled strictly alliance at the time. I think I seen someone post Evolve which seems familiar possibly very early Vanilla or a top Horde side guild for Scilla? Did Brethren split into Evolve before most of them server switched and killed our server even more ha? Wish I remembered my first Vanilla guild, we used to raid ZG and AQ20, MC we got done a couple times late Vanilla, probably when TBC talents released ha! Sucked hard then, keyboard turner, mouse clicker in Vanilla!

Person who taught me how to be a Rogue, and would be crazy if he visits this forum. Locvil! Gnome Male Rogue ha! I remember you bro! Was great times competing on DMG Meters and improving off tips you’d tell me about. My bro Bloodvoid who I had added on LoL before my account was hacked and friends deleted. Miss you too man. WLPH Guild Leader Warrior Tank, Abec, our later “leaders and lovers” Miawolf and Destinyhunt, my RL friends, Briguyy, SoloSniper, Snastyyy, Kritski, and so many others. My California homeslice, Sabridius and his Australian bff who I can’t remember the name of.

Played on this dead garbage beautiful server for probably 4+ years before switching to Demon Soul Horde after my friends had all quit. Keiku still remains decked out in oldschool purples from Vanilla/TBC to this day on Scilla.

Server first, or second by a few hours, Loremaster. Grinded everything before achievements came out so I got it basically day one, was well known for being a nerd and having that so early when it was ridiculously time consuming to get and made far far easier in Cataclysm. Had Baron mount also and a few other items that would make peoples mouth go agape, every alchemy recipe in game at the time, possibly the only one on server, and every cooking recipe in the game, including Thistle Tea and Dirges Kicken Chimaera Chops which I got from grinding the entire AQ quest chain after getting Loremaster.

Repping the 607! We got a solid group of oldschool friends and players waiting for the 27th! Going to be the most nostalgic experience and amazing thrill that I hope can last a while that I’ve had in my life!

Seraphs of Ruin, Zeru, Enzeru, Locrelion


Locvil was in our guild for a bit. It was Nightwatch and then we merged and I forget the new name,it was like EXE or something . Kryptos was guild leader. Bart was the mage and best food vendor on Scilla. Other memorable names are Kirby,Kurby,Apok,Manic,Erratic,metz,

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Must be I met him after Nightwatch because none of those names sound familiar. We were in a guild together that just did casual things like ZG and AQ20. Wanted to give him a shout out for being an OG Rogue.

Apok and Metz sounds familiar, Apok being a warrior if my memory isn’t completely wrong.

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I was in EXE . We merged guilds. I was Toothrot the worste tank ever .

wont you be
my backpack

This is a long shot,
Character : Charontes / Dwarf / Paladin

Had a close friend who played a rogue named relic. Hit me up if you see this buddy

The undead mage was rudeboy.

I played a male Gnome rogue named Chittlins from late 2005 through the end of vanilla on Scilla. Was originally the co-gm of a guild called Fear and eventually an officer in a guild called Nexus when we merged with another guild (can’t remember the name of the other one). We were a smaller group but if anyone happens to see this give me a shout!

Hey Everyone,

Just a follow up to my original for anyone interested. We’d love more OG’s from Scilla!

<Evolve> Alliance on Herod

Our plans:

Two raid nights. Prospective nights Tues/Thurs 7-11 EST
Construct a social guild lasting through the phases.
Clear all PVE content on an accelerated but manageable timeline.

We expect those committed to raiding with us to put reasonable effort and come prepared. We have no plans to set a timeline for leveling but will be beginning our raiding efforts as soon as feasible.

If you’re looking for your long-term Classic home, <Evolve> is a fit for you.

Please contact Malakov#3097 or Cogburnzz#6063 on Discord for an invite or any questions you may have.

Me and regoras are maining on herod, if any old exe or seraphs of ruin memebers would like to possibly start up on there???

Lots of us on Discord now :slight_smile:

If you’re still looking for a guild, add me on Discord: Cogburnzz