Scholar looking for guild

You know… Sitting in the Wyvern’s Tail, day in and day out, with nobody paying you no mind, gets lonely after some time. It’s even worse if you’re socially awkward, and too shy to approach someone, or are just not sure how to go about it without coming off as a weirdo or creep or something. I’m tired of being that guy, that scholarly fellow, who sits in the corner all day with his nose buried in some draconic textbook, studying while everyone else talks, drinks and enjoys each other’s presence. I want to be a part of the social scene, too.

So to that end, I’d love to find a guild; one that’s open to having a shy, socially awkward, nerdy Vulpera such as myself among the ranks. Absolutely has to be one with an RP focus; raids, mythics and PvP are alright, but I’m more or less here for the RP. I’m open-minded, available at various different hours due to a constantly-changing work schedule, and ready to sink my teeth into some proper plots.

So if there’s any guilds welcoming of someone like me, please step up; I’d love to join.

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