Schematic: Elemental Seaforium Charge Not on vendor

the recipe " Schematic: Elemental Seaforium Charge" is from Consetorium revered, but is currently not available from the Quartermaster in either Nagrand or Netherstorm. Id have to imagine this isnt a phase thing since the flying machines are trainable now. Can we get this fixed or some clarification?


Please take a look at this. Cant make the helicopter until this is fixed


Confirmed not on vendor for me as well.

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Quite annoying since all the other professions have extremely powerful items and there’s zero player power level connected to this schematic. Hopefully it gets hotfixed in but I’m definitely not counting on it…

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I just spent 8 hours grinding Consortium Rep to find out neither Vendor sells the Elemental Seaforium Charge.

Not gonna lie I’m pretty burned out now.

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Confirmed and submitted a bug report also.

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Just finished the rep grind and too not be able to buy it after hours of grinding sucks, please fix!

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Here because a GM sent me. This is a big problem because how else am I gonna get to end game content? A bug is in my way. Fix ASAP please, I’m trying to go to Kara tonight!

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Same issue here.Cant buy the recipe.FIX PLZ

Also noticed that the stats to ring enchant recipe isnt on the lower city vendor, so i thought it was a phase issue, then checked the sha’tar vendor to find the enchant ring heaing power available. Not sure what else is missing, but it seems like this may be a bigger problem

Fixed tomorrow boys. Hype