SCATHING hot arena take

its way too fast paste


elmerā€™s in a car?

ah yes 10min games and having to do keys for pvp gear and raids for occasional random items/trinkets that had OP procs good times

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I too miss when I could take a break mid match to take a leak or answer the door without throwing

p.s.: this has actually happened :^)


hotter take

sustained damage low impact cds gameplay is worse than cd trading gameplay


Average BFA arena experience:

wonder what Thunderzilla is up to these days


I too wonder what big thunda has been doing since bfa

You could just say RMP meta you know?

I believe many people saying ā€œbring back X rxpansion pvpā€ dont really have good memories of each expacs worst moments

Bring back mop pvp so I can bop my demo warlock and let him blast and never worry about my feral druid bc he has bubble

Symbiosis one of the worst aspects of mop by far

Exactly, let me have it back so I can be lazy

Probably the norm with solo shuffle being a thing

Iā€™d be in favor of that. I could play my favorite version of Shadow Priest again

my fav is colgate coolmint paste i highly recommend