Heya Arthonius,
do you remember Ebonwolf (Pally) / Grimmwolf (Rogue) / Dreadwolf (Lock)?
what server will you be playing on in classic?
i went to horde just before Lichking, and haven’t been on many ally toons
after that.
You lifer, you.
Hi, this is Aurious/Ananthis of Lordaeron Knights, Clan Destiny (and the shortly lived Legends), Scarlet Aristocracy and Entropy! (Shortly of Dark Heaven’s BC guild, too!)
Just curious if anyone has seen Malkoth/Dragmire.
Edit: This is also Khorius (lol) of BC where I raided with The Eternal Balance. So, yeah. Say hi - just curious where everyone ended up/wondering if they’re coming back/status update etc.
FINAL FREAKIN’ EDIT: You can find me on:
Discord: aurng#4777
Bnet: KAAurious#1673
My first toon on SC was a NElf Druid named Cybellarae. I still play her on occasion, but I don’t think I played enough to really make any connections with her until LK came out. However, my human lock, Arolaide, got more game time than any toon. I know I didn’t join any guilds in my first year of play, but there was a toon out there, another human lock, that helped me tremendously. I wish I could remember his exact name, but it was something like Azueros. I wouldn’t mind reconnecting, just to thank him for all of his help.
It is I , Saintly! Guild hopper and pug extraordinaire (pvped and raided within so many guilds as a pug =D). Also played a nelf rogue named Whitemara, as well as a human warrior named Helais!
Maxxtraxx, Human, Paladin (holy)
Blood and honor
Wow, i just stumbled across this forum section and figured I wouldn’t recognize anyone… Was part of Blood and Honor as well, raiding MC, ZG, BWL, AQ20 and of course opened and ran UBRS many, many times.
Cobain, haven’t heard that name in a while, Hardcore Marine and warlock…
Wow, Persymphony, I do know that name. We had a great warlock crew, you guys and gals were good at what you did.
I was Tyson a Dwarf Paladin, not sure if anyone remembers me dancing naked on the mail box in ironforge all the time.
Dude you’re name is so insanely familiar to me… Do you recall a human warlock by the name of Azumie by chance?
Would love to catch up with you and Kiraf again can add me on Bnet at FaceRollups#1839
Was in a guild called WhoCares
Warlock DivineChaos
Rogue WhisperDeath
pretty sure I remember you. as Janielle were in you goldsire like every night
I remember you, Saintly! We used to do dungeons/raids together!
Hey Slayth! Daevorn here.
Would love to reconnect with y’all in Classic!
Hey Isi it’s been a long time! It’s Veridinis the hunter from Storm of Formosa / Synergy. I’ll be on Remulos. I did log onto the old server a few times over the years but didn’t see any of your old toons I recognised. Hope you have been well.
I noticed quite a few others pop up on this post. Hopefully we can get back in touch at some point.
Hey Barlowe, Veridinis from SoF. It’s been a long time! Noticing a few old names on here.
Have you seen many of the others around? Catgrass, Maggi, etc?
Hey Sess! Remember me from SoF? (I was a NE Hunter back then) been a Druid ever since BC but still have my old hunter.
Wow you have a long list of names there. I actually found the SoF website on an archive drive some time back.
Wonder what happened to Faraday. I ran into Fred a few times since the good old days but I don’t think he plays anymore. Maybe he will be back?
Grand Marshal Nasheira here— actually still here on SC. Dwarf Hunter Looking for anyone who used to PvP in '05 to early '06 or who used to raid with Eternal. Names that my (very foggy) memory has kept: Reina, Okita/Xionn, Kdorf, Archae, Cable, Mythbehavin, Reyus, Cicclone, Melisse, Exitium, Jeska, Nymavar, Vaan, Jalem, Ranis, Kitabataka, Deeana, Tadhg and anyone from the Scarlet Crusade PvP wowwiki (google it). And for anyone who remembers the constant battle with Doomhoof and that crew, including Deadeye and Palvagra. I’m also happy to have my memory jogged.
Feel free to add me on BNET: GMNasheira#1432
See you guys this afternoon!