Scarlet Crusade Alliance Reconnections

Posting under my old name
Veridinis - Night Elf Hunter - Storm of Formosa (SoF)
Also had Veridina, Veridin, Verii

Reyus, man! You’re still here! You forming up old PvP’ers?

I got into PvP after you and Reina (who inspired me to start the rank grind and taught me most of what I knew about Vanilla hunting). I ran with Cable and that lot.

Yo! I haven’t seen anyone else but the folks posting in the thread, last time I saw catgrass was a brief moment in I wanna say end of BC/Beginning of Wrath. Gonna be rolling on a couple servers, mainly Mankrik Hordeside, but I wanna try and join that all paladin guild on Faerlina as well, along with minor alts with various groups on various servers.

Holy crap, I remember you guys, though I was just a lowbie at the time.

-Ashendis. :slight_smile:

Anyway, hey everyone! :slight_smile:

I’m Ashendis (started as rogue, then rerolled hunter). I honestly don’t remember what guild(s) I was on in Vanilla, but I always hung around a bunch of people for RP in Goldshire and Stormwind!

People I remember vividly: Tamalrin, Phoebea (the Nelf Warrior, not Pally), Rayfius, Ruria, Tatsunoshinn, Reina, Mith, Alaurae… I remember LoD, I remember Sadistic Sisterhood…

Anyway, bless this thread, glad to see so many people still around and excited as I am for Classic! I’ll be on Bloodsail Bucs (I’m still an RP buff, what can I say?).

Watwwa here, We have a group of old NL players forming on if you want to join us. We are going to Stalaag.


Xeng, Nelf Rogue

Used to raid with Scarlet Aristocracy, then Praetorian Knights, also assisted in several GM grinds in The Assault (was a pompus teenager at the time who couldn’t make it past rank 10 sadly).

Kind of late to the party, if anyone remembers me and wants to catch up/play with me and a few other friends my bnet tag is Xeng#1201, rolling Horde Incendius.

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Man those are some names I remember. Hope you guys have been doing well!

Arrlemigle, Human Warrior.

Guild: Blood and Honor (The order of the silver tree before that, and maybe one or another)

Raided up to AQ20 then moved west coast and transferred off the server. Nor sure if I will play on grob, or bloodsail.

Just hit me up with on my BTAG.

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.

Rylar - Human Warlock
I was in the following guilds (going in reverse order): Legio Fidelis, Praetorian Knights, Knights of Lorderon, Seekers of Eternity

There are too many to list, but some of the people who come to mind quickest are: Arkanys, Tommyclt, Pipa, Bremmer, (man, I miss these 4), Thanos, Drabin

I remember you from PK - didn’t you take over from Drabin? I had left PK before that. I keep seeing a few members of PK in BfA lately. Nice to see some of the older guilds still around.

I am still on SC in Fellowship of the Dragon (14 year old guild on Feathermoon).

I remember you, too!

Treys, Night Elf Druid.

I don’t remember the name of the guild I was in (Something of Malfurion?), but it was a all Druid RP guild. I don’t remember the names of anyone I played with, I just remember farming devilsaur leather and ironfeathers with a feral druid in the guild.

The other person who sticks out but can’t remember their name was a raiding Druid who I accidently invited when I tried to inspect them, they actually made me want to be a Druid in the first place, it started with an A is all I remember.

I don’t think anyone will remember me (i mostly played solo) but I played this dwarf hunter. Started Feb 2006. I think I got rank 10 in pvp

I remember some of these names…what server are you playing on/?

Vlado, Fury warrior, Storm of formossa.

Which server and faction are you guys going to!?!??


RRAAEEDD!!! Its Satice!

did you play a nelf at one time? maybe was in stormrider pirates?