Reyus - Night Elf Druid - Dai Shiden/DarkHeaven
PvP’d a bunch, looking to connect with all the old PVPers from Alliance or Horde
Reyus - Night Elf Druid - Dai Shiden/DarkHeaven
PvP’d a bunch, looking to connect with all the old PVPers from Alliance or Horde
Hey man! It’s Kiraf-- I pretty much only play long enough to hit max level with each expansion, but I’m planning to play Classic with a bit more vigor. Thinking I’ll probably play on Grobbulus.
So great to see you again on here! Is there a better way to get in touch with you in the future?
What up Reyes?! What’s the discord?
Damn, you have a better memory than I do XD though Vilhyde is a name I hadn’t thought about in a longo time. He and his wife Amalody hehe. I’ve still got a few toons on Scarlet, though only vanilla toon is my shaman. In fact, I think of all my toons Barlowe and Grimskull are my only two left from vanilla. Barlowe obviously having a bit of drastic surgery lol added some bigger teeth.
Arcuivie, human warrior. Rolled with The Assault and then Ramrod back in the day, spent time in Dai Shiden and Scarlet Aristocracy. I’ll echo what Maneens said, we’ve got a crew rolling for Classic with a bunch of names I’m sure you guys remember, hit me up if you’re interested in coming along!
So its official…the old archon crew is rolling on Grobbulus!! heres a link to the recruitment thread i put up. everyones welcome at the start and we will go from there.
Hi, I am looking to reconnect with:
My character name was Chairroscuro.
Night Elf Rogue
Ganen 60 Dwarf Hunter
The Northwind Templar
Bastion of Sanity
Knights of ysera
Hey - Loftus here. I was a restoration druid during vanilla. I was in several guilds during the original run of WOW.
CHAMPIONS FOR PEACE - looking to reconnect with Zodar, Ergotrinth or any other members
Clan Destiny - Malthusian was the GM - looking to reconnect with any members
Dark Heaven - Pung was the GM when I did Naxx with them - let me know if any of you are still around
Contact info on Discord: Loftus#8493
Greetings All. Still Slayth (Warrior) or the old alt Molbrew (Hunter). heh.
Kalea (Priest) and I are looking for any of the old Twilights Legacy (SHUJI (SHUJINSE)!!!, Daevorn, Bakko, Thumpaer, Yuki, Seanachie, Gillwynd, etc), Order of the Moon, The Fel Watch (Nyceas, Icily, etc), Northwind Templar, or bloody well anyone we ran with over the years. Whether it be raiding in that old TL/TFW/LoD raid group, or just randomness. (Sorry if I missed a name, frankly, there were so many awesome people back then).
Trying to decide between Bloodsail or Grob for the server. Hope to see you all around.
Arc!!! What’s up man!
Archid! So much dude, hit me up @ Arcuivie#1809 (bnet)
This is Nogri from Scarlet Crusade. Was in Archon for a little while (MC and BWL), then moved on to Ramrod and at some point Royal Flush as I came and went from the game. Nice to see so many familiar names here! If I decide to roll Horde I will definitely jump on with you guys if you’d have me.
I know I want to play casual style but the PvP itch will eventually get me I’m sure.
we have a SC old timers discord valeric runs…get in touch with him. add me on bnet dizzle#1954 if you dont have any contacts. hes running a guild and im running archon. you can hang out all you want though
Archid#9303 - Discord
Archid#1162 - Bnet
Hit me up there! This is great seeing the old crew!
Yo Yoo, added you on bnet. Can’t post link in the forum
YOOOOOO can i add you guys on battlenet?! iim SOOO down to play with yall again <- Sess
Does this count for us “other” people? You know, the ones who chose the right faction back in 2004?
Add away dood! Baxna#1760 I’m not subbed ATM, but I will be come payday, I’ve got a couple buddies coming back as well, dunno what server they plan on yet though. Likely rolling a shaman myself.
Starlily (N.elf Priest)
Phobea (human Paladin)
Nahtae (n.elf hunter)
Order of the Moon, Illusionary Death, Vengence of the Fallen
Anyone from those guilds that remembers me, I would love to hear from. Would be awesome to hear from Akronian or Kailoken also.
BTag is Sychophancy#1699