Scared shadowlands will continue bfa systems

Anyone else scared by the thought of trait system, necklace type system, corruption system continuing in another form in shadowlands? Am I the only one who’s had enough of these types? We get it, it was cool and innovative In legion and we enjoyed. You added it to bfa in a devolved fashion and it’s gotten really old now. Let’s stop ya?

It’s honestly make or break for me whether I play or not. That’s why I’m waiting on buying.


fear not, they said there will be no AP to grind!

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Oh there’ll be something. They’ve really adopted the number chasing game play. Dont get me wrong chasing numbers has always been there. but, it seems that is all we do now and its less fun than its ever been.

God forbid they’ll actually make engaging game play that makes people want to log on. The fact they keep changing the vision system is pretty damning that something isnt working in the current system.


Yeah, AP is gone. It will be replaced with Anima Power.


Fortunately, there’s no artifacts at all. The main power systems are covenant abilities and the soulbind talent trees. But anima for soulbinds shouldn’t be nearly as bad as artifacts, no endless grinds they’ve said. And for alts they can start working on it while they’re leveling.

Corruption is 8.3 only, it’s still not known if or what Shadowlands forging will be. We really just have to wait until beta and see how it plays out to know anything.

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Unfortunately it is too early to judge the new expansion because not even the alpha helps to see the game more thoroughly. The same happened during BfA.

But the cinematics and the trailer did not help anything at all, worse with the Blizzcon and that new custom for humans and undead that still leaves a lot of suspicion, something that left us nowhere and neither in being interested or desperate in what comes the expansion, only if you want to continue with your account, ready your wallet and prepare your purchases to continue to a game that is possibly zombified thanks to the murder they gave with this expansion.


We’ll know whats up as soon as we see another mission table.


You should be more scared its going to get worse…


Yea I’m reserving judgement until more info and beta but one can’t help but be nervous and scared based on bfa. Corruption by far the worst. Anything remotely like this system will definitely deter me from playing. I cannot stand it.


With visions like content being a center part of Shadowlands it’s going to be interesting to see if people stop playing it like they have with visions and if they don’t play it will they even continue to subscribe.


I’m not scared

Which is still AP nevertheless, just worded differently .

Grind grind


I’m worried because I’m looking at Torghast in Shadowlands and it seems a lot like visions. I don’t like the Action RGP content that Blizzard keeps tying to PvP and Raiding and it appears like a whole lot of other folks don’t like it either.

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yeah, we won’t have to worry about Anima Power :man_shrugging:

alex, can i have famous last words for $400 please.

it couldn’t be worse than Bfa’s, but i wouldn’t underestimate blizzard’s laziness, and uncreativity.

that’s the elephant in the room. i’m thinking a cross between visions and IE, with the worst of both. i hope i’m wrong.


I’m scared they’re going to wind up scrapping a chunk of what they talked about at Blizzcon, because there were a lot of “we’re still deciding” type answers. For being only a year from release, they seemed to be really, really early in the design process for an expansion that’s doing something as sweeping as a complete leveling revamp and supposedly adding a lot of customization options. This could be another WoD.

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there really didn’t announce much except for the tower, and didn’t say much about it. it’s very difficult to back tack on nothing.

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Yeah that’s where I’m at. Hopefully they won’t because there’s going to be a ton of backlash if they do.


what could they scrap?

They didn’t announce a lot of game systems, but they did announce a lot of customization options, from “eye colors separate from faces” to the covenant cosmetics. There’s plenty of room for them to disappoint people, even with how sparse information was last Blizzcon.

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Yeee they just renamed it :joy: system still stays.

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