Scared shadowlands will continue bfa systems

SL will have WQs. It’ll probably also have a mission table. One can only hope the mission table rewards don’t suck like in BFA. It’ll have some sort of rental system for character power progression.

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I just want to do bgs and arena. My friends will not come back if they are forced to Mplus and other pve stuff just to arena. Its not worth the game to them.


Every “feature” of BFA will show up again in SL is some form. Mission Table will probably be dead and WQs toned down in favor of Covenant dailies.

If it’s a system you don’t like or are scared of the most logical decision would be to wait until it’s out, assess the system and then play it (or not play it if it’s bad). Money saved

Don’t be scared

it will

We’ll know more when the alpha starts, which should be soon, a few weeks, give or take.

That’s why that’s the problem, Blizzard didn’t give much information about Shadowlands, and worse in dark times when we have a dead expansion thanks to the lies that Ion said.

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Feels fantastic man!

A really bad sylvanas story is the only thing that we know so far about the expansion. I cant believe there hasnt been at least a few more details. What’s it been 4 months since the reveal.


I’m quite concerned with how things will be in Shadowlands. We are leaving Azerite Traits and essences behind, meaning certain specs will be unplayable as they’ve been balanced around Azerite. Ret is completely dependent on Vision of Perfect. Holy is pretty close to dependent on Glimmer of Light. Most healing specs use 1 of the 2 mana return essences.

I’m hopeful they have plans to address the power vacuum that will be left in Shadowlands.


Oh you should be scurred

Anima Power

If it wasn’t so funny it would be sad. Who am I kidding, I am sad.

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I was hoping that the artifact weapon system would have been brought into BfA and expanded upon. If blizzard does it right, I’m all for them bringing essences forwards as well.

No. No. and No. We have to get away from all of these systems that temporarily boost our power and make classes dependent on something that will be gone in less than 2 years or so. The developers could spend so much more time actually making the game good again with actual class balance and class uniqueness that is not tied with this random non sense they have determined is a good idea as they hemorrhage subs.

Their peak was LK. I think we should try that formula at least one more time and see if it works.


That’s what I’m saying though, if we keep a system and expand upon it then it isn’t temporary. Its called Horizontal progression, something blizzard seriously needs to learn how to adopt.

Trust me, one of the few things I hate about this game as much as gnomes is borrowed power that we lose after a couple years.

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Anything but essences. I cannot think of a system I hate more at this point.

Essences wouldn’t be bad if blizz would just make them account bound, or make some way to easily purchase them for alts from your main. That is the only problem with essences is the timegating aspect of them.

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The AP grind will go on, and so will borrowed abilities with covenant spells.

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“Anima power” as stated by Ion :stuck_out_tongue:

Yup. We are going to replace AP with AP - it will be better… riiiiight. Like the global cool down making the game better, gotchya.

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