Scammers in swp trash farm gdkp group

So, the past few days have been interesting in Sunwell trash farms. I ended up being banned for a week today as a result of it. These Sunwell trash farm groups generally consist of 8 mages and a priest. They will pull the first pack of mobs and then all the mages will AOE spam blizzard on them while the priest mass dispels the mobs healer all while they are standing out of the line of sight of the mobs. They all die, loot the items and then reset the instance and rinse and repeat. Tons of Zone Drop items are acquired this way and easily sold in the AH or given to the respective members of the groups.

However, I joined a GDKP for this earlier today and was asked to carry for them, (group leaders were “Articwolves” & “Tfunkhouser”. They have several others in the group spamming chat channels to join their GDKP groups every day. I decided what the hay and joined it today and ended up being banned for a week as a result. I am a buyer also, but all my bids were denied, and when I complained about it, they instantly kicked me from the group, never paid me for carrying the group from their pot, and then they all mass reported me and got me banned… and apparently I am not the only one. They were also keeping all of the BOE patterns that dropped instead of bidding them off to the group and claimed they have buyers that were buying them for 20k gold, (yeah right, they are listing them in the AH probably). I was warned before joining, and now I have witnessed it first-hand. After 15+ years of playing this game I have never been banned before ever!

Now here I am in the forums spreading the word to warn others. The group that calls themselves the “SUWELL TRASH MARKET” or “SUNWELL TRASH WOLVES”, you will see them spamming LFG chat or trade chat trying to get others to join their groups. Just be warned that they are scamming people and getting them banned If they complain in the chat for it. I understand a lot of people want to get their trash drop items from Sunwell asap, but I urge you, If you see these guys to either report them or avoid them like the plague because you will end up banned also probably. Hopefully my appeal will get approved soon because this is not where I wanted to be tonight or this weekend!

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Hate to break it to you, but those groups have so many red flags that you should have seen it coming.

It sounds like a very nasty group; they’ll get theirs.

Weird, never had a problem with them before, and I’ve gotten pretty much every trash drop out of there, including patterns. Are you sure you just didn’t get caught buying gold for the gdkp or something

swp trash farm gdkp group man no wonder classic is “so fun” anymore

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Never had a problem with them

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