Scaling removes any sense of an evergreen progression

Well. We’ve been hearing the whole “Wow is Dead or dying” story for many years.
Resulting in Eye Rolls. But this whole thing has got me on their side for once. This is the ultimate buzzkill for me.

Live in the moment. My options for Wow are…
Log into my Main and do mindless Maw dailies to finish the Reps simply to say “I made it”
Log into an alt. Which now is zero fun, because I don’t want to struggle and get beat down by trash mobs because someone at Blizz thinks I need a challenge.

If I wanted that. I would get a new game.


God of War looking better by the minute. /shrug

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Item level scaling was implemented to compliment the new world quest system that came with Legion. They were ok at first, but ya annoying after a while, because even as you got better equipped the trash mobs just kept scaling up which does indeed kill any kind of open world progression. Imo they should just go completely back to the daily hub model, because they can never get open world scaling right. Leave item level scaling in instanced content where it belongs. And you are correct in that they did sneak it in without ever mentioning it in any patch notes. They didn’t fess up to it until they were finally called out on it.

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Ion is a proven liar.

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