SBG - Most AoE abilities stop hitting Bonemaw after first submerge

Bonemaw in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds has a DPS-breaking bug whereby after his first submerge, he is unable to be hit by most AoE or cone-style abilities. I’ll list below the spells I witnessed dealing no damage in my log after the first submerge:

  • Thunderclap
  • Revenge
  • Ravager
  • Fists of Fury (from a party member)

I’m sure there are numerous others (such as listed in this thread about Feral Bonemaw boss in SBG - unable to hit with Feral abilities). The dungeon is already easy but this fight is just a huge drag on the flow of most runs, likely in part due to this major bug. It’s just boring.

Here is the log in question:

EDIT: This seems likely due to some kind of hotfix introduced on Monday 12/19, as my guildmate has a log from the day before (12/18) which does not exhibit the issue.


Update to this: The bug seems to be that the center of Bonemaw’s hitbox shifts backwards after the first submerge. My friends and I were able to get AoE abilities to hit by closing the range (either by moving up right to the edge of the platform as melee, or simply being closer in the case of Flame Breath for evokers).

This is a problem still. Bonemaw cannot be hit by Glaive Tempest / Essence Break unless teetering on the edge. However his tartetable hitbox is still far so I can hit him with auto attacks / chaos strike. I don’t know if blade dance misses him or not. This is the difference between 35k dps and 55k dps.


I was not able to hit him with thrash until I figured out I was able to when I got right up to his face after he reappeared. It must be a proximity issue when he submerges.


Can confirm at the very least this happens with thrash.

The work around of getting right up on it makes getting caught in the inhale or tossed in the water much more likely.

A hotfix went out that supposedly fixes this issue today. Haven’t been in to test but it wasn’t there last night so it could be that hot off the press.

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This issue is still not completely fixed. While it is improved, it is still possible to be in range of Bonemaw to hit him with single-target abilities and auto-attacks while inexplicably being out of range for AoE abilities to hit properly. My final Thunderous Roar cast in our 20 last night did not apply the debuff to Bonemaw despite me being well within single-target ability range.

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Yep. Issue is still there for swipe and thrash. Aoe is not hitting unless you are right up the bosses face.

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Having issues with this as well still. Initially my aoe abilities hit on my warrior before he goes down the first time but after that my aoe abilities no longer hit him.

Abilities are Whirlwind, Odyn’s Fury, and Thunderous Roar.

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This issue still persists. Just ran a shadowmoon last night. Logged it and checked after the key. I cast soul cleave 72 times on the boss and it hit 21 times. There were numerous other “aoe” abilities that also just don’t function on this boss.

Devs have given up on this game. It is apparent now. They are not communicating anything anymore even with patch in a few days and still many bugs out there and lots of imbalances.

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How is this still a bug?

Ran this last night and couldn’t land half my abilities unless I was on top of the boss.