SavedVariable (WTF) files no longer have tabs to make them readable

I just noticed, that my saved variable files in WOW classic are all left justified.
Makes it much harder to read/debug. Here is the contents of BugSack.lua:

BugSackDB = {
[“auto”] = false,
[“altwipe”] = true,
[“soundMedia”] = “BugSack: Fatality”,
[“fontSize”] = “GameFontHighlight”,
[“mute”] = true,
[“useMaster”] = false,
[“chatframe”] = false,
BugSackLDBIconDB = {
[“minimapPos”] = 204.2872849862566,

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Intended change. You will have to re-indent them yourself.

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Thanks for the reply. I have software that will do that when needed.

When I noticed the change to the saved variables files i remembered reading this post and wondered if it was the reason for the change.

Take from that what you will.