And then I’ll delete it if I choose to make one. Because I’ll make this character again just to get cosmetics for her.
Blizzard at war with fruits
There are other things to farm besides the land.
To quote my friend from years ago when he still played, “I farm the Horde. They drop honor.”
I agree - I love those Tiller dailes and was disappointed to see we couldn’t even do the quests to set up the farm.
Have you ever gotten lemon or orange in your eye? It’s quite painful and those fruits wanna act all innocent. No, they are not innocent, they are EVIL
I did this once and really like it, but I don’t know that I’m feeling the need to just redo the farm all over again unless it’s going to be very different, especially all of those individual reps.
My cabbages! I mean my Sunsong Ranch!
Sad that they used a zone already occupied to add the new event. I wonder if there is no more space in wow maps.
So ready for farmville
Where did they make this announcement?
I liked it and when I mentioned no farm to my friends they were disappointed. I am pretty sure most people like that farm. I am sure a vocal minority hated it but I don’t remember the complaints like I do the complaints about dailies and being forced to do LFR by the raiders.
They have fishing going and you fish up bronze so they could do the same with that farm and have you farm bronze and the odd cache of gems and whatnot.
You hear that elf, everyone is coming to your farm since The Tillers shut down.
Where? I’ve never noticed.
The only purpose of the farm was to farm eternals and the thousands of tons of vegetables you needed to level cooking. Remix has no professions. The farm has no purpose.
For the duration/focus of the event, they have little purpose.
this is just for the temporary event, I hope.
gonna be pretty irritated if the farm has been trashed permanently.
I mean maybe we could plant bronze
I like the farm, I grow trees that I keep in my pockets there. U.U They can just speed it up like the other reps!
in the herb garden.