Save the tillers farm!

omg. this the cabbage farm and the triumphant roar fiasco ALL OVER AGAIN! sits in corner sucking her thumb shivering they can’t hurt me if i cant hear them…no triumphant roars.

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Which is a waste of time compared to everything else. Waiting days for that stuff is not worth it. This isn’t something you sit back and chill with. It’s speed running and murdering as much as you can.

Pandamonium is Torghast/Chromie Time on steroids. Not rep and twiddle our thumbs while we wait for a farm. It’s not meant for that.


Maybe not but I still would have liked it for the bit of extra colour.


Weren’t the farms just dailies? I remember planting cactus to get free cloth but that is about it.

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You can fuss with the farm all you want right now, though. This isn’t Classic Mists. No need for it to be rehashed in a current game mode mass murder fest.

People also seem to forget that back in the day, players hated that farm so much they told Blizz it better not follow us into Warlords and Blizz had to make a statement that the farm wouldn’t, but they were using the tech for Garrisons, so it wouldn’t be the same.


There were too many OSHA violations, they had to be shut down.

Sorry, safety first.


This person doesn’t have that memory. I liked it. It reminded me a bit of player housing and I saw the potential in improving it that way.

And yes, I know I can ‘fuss’ with it live, but we aren’t talking about live are we. The event has a lot of stuff in it from MoP as it is, and I thought it would be an interesting addition. My opinion stands, and that’s probably all I need to say about it.



Farmers get screwed by the supermarkets nowadays. Why would anyone want to be one?


Garrosh will shortly be using an Eminent Domain order to switch up the farms to full war production of battle cabagges.

Exciting new questline!


You can be a farmer??? Hell yes, I want this! This can go along with player housing. We can choose to add a farm to our house and grow ingredients for cooking or alchemy!

I want iiiiiit.

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theirs some farmer transmog items in garrisons.


Just because I want to be a farmer doesn’t mean I want to dress like one lol I wanna be fully mogged out while farming :smiley:

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But spending 2 minutes spamming the 1 key to pull the big weeds because RNG spawned 12 of them was very immersive! And then you’d go bother some Hozen for a bit because they stole some soup or something.

I don’t see the point, personally. If there are no trade goods and they make it grow bronze, then there’s no actual choice in what crops you plant, and since there’s no gold in Timerunning, they’d have to make it so you spend bronze for seeds to grow bronze, which just sounds incredibly convoluted when everything is already a source of bronze.

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Wait, I don’t understand. There are other dailiy farms in Remix, such as the Landfall stuff. Why are those fine, but not the farm?


Oh no, I adore my Tillers farm.

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The Tiller’s Farm was unironically my favourite passtime activity at the end of MoP, in between Rated Battleground queues. Those were some good times.

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“This isn’t what the Warchief meant when he ordered a quota of pineapples…


What. :angry:

That was my time in WoW there. Farming my brains out!

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there is no one in the tractor lmao