Save the Oceanic community

I mean. I literally explained why people prefer smaller realms. And why specifically I personally like smaller realms. And why they are not, despite what you think, dead realms. But sure, keep thinking that the only way to solve your WPvP recruitment problems is to make the third biggest populace realm in the whole North American game of World of Warcraft bigger.


I’d call this a partial success! While we may have our differences, while some of us may be the denizens of the Dead Realms™ (Nagrand) and others reside in their Ivory Towers of Bastioned Glory (Frosty Boys), we’re all here, chatting, on the Oceanic GD. Perhaps one day we could ignite this spark of discussion into a raging inferno of conversation! Or we could just wax poetic. I’m cool with that.

I’ve also had an epiphany about my lack of constructive input into a post. So here we go! I’m a firm believer in the quantity≠quality idea and while more people logically would increase the potential for more interactions, I’m not sure if they would produce those quality good times we all seek in game. I play on one of those Dead Realms™ (Nagrand Land) and while the guild recruitment pool would logically be smaller than a higher pop realm small I think the onus lies with us trying to create better relationships by trying to be better players. I do agree that sales or free transfers should occur more frequently for those people who want to experience a bigger realm, perhaps they’ve had poor luck with guild recruitment or the realm simply doesn’t cater to their needs progression ect, (or just bite the bullet and pay the full toll) but I feel that if we try and capitalize on those moments where we have an opportunity to create friends or less toxic environments than we should do so! I may have missed the mark of this post but I think this is a feel good message that should be broadcast anyhow.

I feel all warm and fuzzy inside really. Your friendly neighborhood Punchy Monk


I used to play oceanic realms. But like many oceanic players I moved away from those servers for one big reason: US server communities are friendlier and more helpful.

The drama and general nastiness that comes from the Australian servers puts a lot of people off them. In my US based guild, we have a medium sized group of oceanic players covering the night shift, and were only a small casual guild.

I’ll take the lag over the “community” any day.

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Have blizz acknowledged the issue with the low populations or they waiting for the paied character transfers to slow down and then address issue.

Dreadmaul and Thaurissan don’t feal like an mmoprg but when I play on Stormrage alliance it feals like mmoprg and othere words I cant’t say .

These are my opions and my experiences hope others have better experiences .

Thaurissan/Dreadmaul and maybe even Gundrak and Jubei’Thos should maybe be looked at as they all appear to be on low all the time now but Aman’Thul and some of the others are medium and sometimes close to high at peak hours.

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The day I left Frostmourne was one of the happiest days of my life.

I don’t want to go back there, so Frostmourne can stay by itself.


wowthuggerdotcom verdict for [Punched]: repulsive neckbearded deadbeat | 2v2: 0 PR, 0 achieve | 3v3: 0 PR, 0 achieve | 5v5: 0 PR, 0 achieve | RBG: 0 achieve

I think this website actually knows me. I suppose its a bit contrary considering my peace and love post above but I did get a laugh out of this site.

Sequential - Discord channel/Cutting Edge players dedicated to preparing for Classic wow looking for players interested in hitting classic hard we will be forming a Horde Guild on OCE upon release with 80+ members all ready https://

Meh, i think give free transfer to oceanic, let players pick which realm they’d like to move too (i assume most will transfer horde to barth, ally to FM then forcefully transfer the lowest 2-4 realms between the left over servers with free transfer tokens (only within oceanic) and we’d be pretty good.

Of course in my case i’d need them to allow more than one Demon hunter per server as i have one on every oceanic lol.

If Blizz wants to keep WoW alive they need to seriously help the community condense.
If they keep transfers at $30 a pop without any other action theyre cooking their goose that lays golden eggs.

I think it’s fine as it is tbh


I paid to get out of the Frostmourne dumpster fire. You’ll have to drag me back kicking and screaming.


Why do people hate Frostmourne so much?
The only difference I can see is that trade is more active and there are more guilds and people.
I feel like there is a perception that more busy = toxic.

If you have an answer please be specific.

If you have an answer please be specific.

Foul mouths…sorry make that SEWER mouths


I feel like they need to all merge, frostmourne seems quieter and quieter and the other realms, well you might see a few people. I was looking at guild recruitment on frostmourne today and all it was , was just people selling runs. I had to wait until evening to see any guild recruitment posts.

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100% they should merge, they’re only going to have like 1 oceanic server in classic, they’re condensing the player base for the reasons stated above, only reason they dont merge and delete like 80% of the servers in retail is because it’ll look bad for blizzard to have such few servers.


This. So much this. Nag/Cael has a decent population.

If they ever merged Nag/Cael and Frostmourne, I’d go back to GW2.

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shrug go with what life happens.

Akish whats wrong with Khaz’goroth ?

Nothing. Just moved to Dath back in Cataclysm to try and get away from the crowds and then we merged with Khaz so I went to Aman’Thul to try and get away. Personally I just wish they would make either Aman’Thul or Saurfang a RP realm.