Save Our Season~SOS

We had a healthy player base, a few fell off but times were OK-ish a month ago. Now its /who in STV at peak times and seeing less than 10 players on a PvP server is pretty sad. 20 man raids? pretty hard to fill at the moment

I think the focus on pandaremix over sod was a bit disheartening to the sod(ders?). There’s a bit of balance issues for PvP/PvE and some stuff that could be addressed and we’re told to wait longer, not sure if I’m into the other game modes on offer so I might have to look at cancelling until S4.

No biggie just my 2 cents and a semi constructive critique.


SoD can wait while they deal with a giant scaling issue with their latest game mode.

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You see the pattern?

You keep playing the broken version of games and paying for it. Stop and ask for things to get fixed first.

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I and several other ppl have all asked.

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I stopped playing until they remove the artificial damage and healing reduction in pvp. Already cancelled my account. Not giving them a single dime until it’s fixed.


It does get quite disruptive with the PvP adjustments during the lowest popularity of the phases so far.

I also realised that SoD now of the three offers the only unique graphic and flavour of ‘Vanilla’ wow.

The other game modes are all based on retail maps / models etc. SoD is an endangered game mode species

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the late night living flame stvs are under 30 players on weekends

yep i stopped playing during those and now that its permanent in raid logging too. damage is done.


Parse culture did what was wanted, got rid of the trash players. Dont like the raid logging parse culture bro utopia?


At this point P3 is cooked.

ST/STV having pretty much Side-grades to R7 and barely upgrades over P2 gear made ST kinda… meh.
Incursions kerfuffle brutalized the economy for a while, and the incursions remain killing the open world.

And now P4 is delayed… so I’ma sit tight and raid log until P4 is released.


I’ve had ZERO incentive to log on and play. There is absolutely NOTHING to do.
The meta, or should I say expectation of this phase has absolutely gutted any semblance of ‘wow classic+’ that SoD had going for it.
I honestly can’t believe that the ‘dev team’ (ha what a joke) think that leaving your paying customers in the dark without any word of phase 4 etc is helpful to their product.
Logging in once a week to raid is juist downright pathetic from a content point of view. Thank god for indie games such as V rising and the upcoming unofficial servers which handle their release with more respect.

BM loot is ST epic equivalent, what do you mean? the problem isnt the quality of the loot its the fact you can get it in one BM and if youre rep and honor capped theres nothing else to buy.

the main issue is outside of ST raid logging EVERYTHING else in the game is player/community driven so once the player exodus snowballs(and it has) its basically over. AH is dead, incursions are dead, dungeons are dead, STV is dead, WPVP is garbage anyway but also dead for the most part, rarely more than 10 instances of wsg and ab combined and NA+AU servers are in the same battlegroup. Now even if you dont wanna just raid log its your only option.