Save alleria's appearance

Her new look slaps.


Get a grip? It’s a game.

Like the God Hermes Sandals… I feel this is doable. But since she’s Void touched now, maybe the shoes should sprout tentacles like Ny’alotha AllSeer? And her arrows are tipped with creepy eyeballs, that turn into mindbenders that eat faces on impact?

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If you’re that worked up about it I have a solution. Kill her off! The windrunners are annoying and could use a culling.

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Pretty sad right?

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This I wholeheartly agree

This is wrong on all levels but okay.


Her names not Alleria anymore. It’s Ria Wind now. It’s not a phase.


Its not just the outfit. They got rid of her breast… she looks flat chested now.

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215 posts in, and no one has linked a pic of her new look yet. :confused:

She looks much better now. Her previous design was painfully generic. She didn’t even look like a void elf.

Are we talking about the one that was removed because it was offensive?

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They didn’t get rid of anything. It’s a chestplate. :woman_facepalming:t4:

Zoom in and you’ll even see the shading for the contours.

I did a while back. Both of them.

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Sure. That’s the example that sprang immediately to mind, the one you posted less than a minute after being asked for an example. But it doesn’t bother you. I believe you.

The worst part is that it’s not even an example of what he claimed.

He said the following:

Dracthyr aren’t even an example of that.

Some one has not been watching the news on how Microsoft had been angry at gamers lately.

This one looks better then the first.

My main problem is what they are doing to her hair. What was wrong with her long pretty classical flowing hair style?

In the new image, it looks like she has some “The Last Kingdom” faux hawk going on.

As far as her out fit - I like wearing white on my Void Elves because it makes the Void Form contrast, and it looks cool. So I can see why Blizz went with that.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つsummon green alleria ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

I mean, I think her new hair style is ugly and sent from the devil. So what ever ill will people want to throw on it, is probably true.

Ugly hair brings out the worst in people. Blizzard should keep her hair pretty.

If Turalyon dumps her now, I totally would understand.

For me it isn’t the Man-Hating Hairstyle, it is just that her hair was nice before and they wrecked it and she doesn’t carry the new style well.

Helya has some Man-Hating Hairstyle, and she wears it well. It fits her.

Not every hair style is for everyone.