Savage Horde vs Evil Horde

Most of the people who speak out for it here do so mostly out of Spite. You don’t have to take them seriously, if this would have happened to their favorite race, the same people would be crying here in the forum :wink:


That’s true, but I also think the other problem of the whole Savage vs Evil horde is…not even the players can agree wholeheartly on what they want. Half like to play the evil horde, the other half wants the honorable but savage horde back.

Long as that split remains, blizz is just going to continue to justify villian batting the horde, because it’s just easier to do. But that’s my take on it.


The forsaken have always been on the cusp between evil and villain evil, but revenge on the scourge was their main theme. I can understand why the devs put her in that direction after Wotlk… because they didn’t have purpose. I think it’s fine in that regard. Making more soldiers is the only way the forsaken can move forward and solve that identity crisis.

How they have handled raising people story wise (the night elves, some other undead) has been a complete mess, though.

I agree. I bring up wc2 horde as evil because the blizz team were trying to push the “blue good, red evil”. The sons of lothar were goody two shoes while the horde had a very mean group of misfits.

Something I want to add to the post, the most iconic title in the horde, WARCHIEF, is removed from the horde for a council. I agree that we needed a council, but the writers didn’t need to push the war chief name off the edge like they did… make Malkorok the leader of the true horde instead of Garrosh, make Nathanos the one who wanted to kill all living… there was ways to make the horde evil without using the warchief as the driving force.

Our most iconic position has been removed. I guess Thrall is back in the council but what good is he if he’s depressed and no shaman powers? The horde lost its relevance.


C’mon, you’ve admitted that you enjoy seeing Sylvanas fans being made unhappy. You’ve shown up on the forums after long absences announcing that you’re just there to watch the salt flow. You’ve never denied this “accusation” before, so why are you starting now?


Ok? And where in that post do I deny it?

Y’all Hordeposters are really reaching lately.

You wouldn’t call it an accusation if it was a description you were going to own. So if you own it, then own it. Don’t pearl-clutch.


An accusation is just that- an accusation. It’s even defined as:

the action or process of accusing someone.

There is no mention of the statement having to be true or not. I used the word correctly.

More importantly, I’m curious as to why you’re trying to defend a double-standard. That seems like the bigger issue here.

Uh-huh, and you don’t “accuse” anyone of, say, making delicious cookies.

What am I defending? All I’m saying is that you’re being disingenuous here (look it up).

I don’t wish to get drawn into another long argument, so that’s all I’ll say on the subject.


“Savage” Horde = killing Horde soldiers to save a Proudmoore, thus saddling us with even more boring sad Jaina cutscenes instead of actually focusing on the Horde.

Evil Horde = gleefully burning down Alliance cities for the glory of the Horde and having a fun time while doing it.

I like my video games to be fun, so I’ll take the Evil Horde every time.


You sound like the type of person who would witness a bank robbery but would then point and scream at the person jaywalking a few moments later because it’s someone who hurt your feefees.

LOL, no. That wasn’t even one of your better “last word” comebacks. Bye.

I would settle if they just picked one and went with it. Make the horde evil or make them savage. Just don’t ping pong between heroic and evil every few years.

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Your idea of fun hinges on the other faction having themes that clash with their long established themes… because of sad Jaina cutscenes?



My idea of fun is killing the other faction, not helping them.

I didn’t start playing this game to get along with the Alliance.


I’m not as extreme as Cailias here, but I have to agree that having an expansion sold to you as a justified fight for survival in a war between the two main factions, and having it turn into the Horde player killing their own side because it was actually a huge guilt trip all along, feels extremely terrible.

It wasn’t fun to play, and it’s not a fun theme to carry forward. Who wants to mope around doing penitence in the shadows while the other side is actively moving the narrative forward?


I agree. Was there any faction pride? For anyone? Didn’t really feel any in BfA.


I never said I wanted peace between the factions. You can have war without one side being blatantly evil.

True. The horde can’t always be under dogs. But losing what made us interesting just turns us into red alliance. Nobody likes that. There’s a lot more to the horde than just being the underdogs.

I want blood elves thirsty for power, undead pushing the limits on what’s ethically tolerable. Not wanton killing for the sake of killing, not evil for the sake of being evil.


At least Alliance can come out of the expansion saying they were in the right.



I don’t want to go that far. (Edit: I guess I did end up saying it) I know it can’t be fun watching the horde faction slither away at the end of it because of the whole “won’t end a faction” thing.

It’s hard not to feel bitter though, because I feel like this expansion obliterated the idea of my character being a good person. It doesn’t look like BFA makes the alliance-side player stop being good just because they may not have succeeded. But I can’t rationalize the same for my own.

So screw it. Enjoy the crap and misery.

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My main problem with this is that out of those four, Tyrande’s really the only one who doesn’t deserve to be villain-batted. She quite literally lost her home in a monstrously-cruel act of genocide; I don’t think anyone can sanely argue that her wanting revenge is unjustified.

Looking at the other three, especially after the events of Shadows Rising, I’m definitely seeing some parallels between what they’re willing to tolerate now, as the “New” Alliance, and the sort of things that the original Alliance of Lordaeron actively condoned.

Not to mention an important point that’s gone unstated:
Varok Saurfang was quite probably the last real orc who was actively part of the Old (read: Legion) Horde.

The Alliance still has Genn Greymane, Alleria Windrunner, and Turalyon, all of whom were part of the original Alliance of Lordaeron.

Given the whole, “we need to examine what our faction means” narrative that the Horde’s recently gone through, it actually seems more appropriate to have the Alliance be next to go through that woodchipper.

Of course, that would actually require the writing team to let go of their current bias for Good Ol’ Team True Blue.

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