Savage gladiator chain is not for hunters or meme specs

I mean, if I go into brd to get gear. If I’m in a pug and the gear I want drops… I’m rolling on it.

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you don’t see yourself as the salty one, being entitled to purple pixels?

of course its better on a warrior.
if you’re demanding a hunter turn down a very rare, excellent upgrade for some stranger on the internet because its better for the stranger, then i wonder how you actually function in the world.

i would never take the sgc over a warrior, but that’s a choice i make. and other people are free to make other choices about their meaningless video game items.


Bro i won it on my pally as the healer lol and I got most of my gear while healing. Ret pally baby.

I told every ret pally that tried to ninja my SGC to go play retail

yeah but some of your best in slot you can buy… lol that and gear the tier shoulds from AQ 40

so you didnt read the any of the op’s comments, got it.

It’s selfish to want it for yourself when you play a class that isn’t as good and you know someone else plays the objectively best class in the game and will use the item far longer than you will.

Of course not. You’ll note I never actually said that. I said a Hunter is being selfish by taking it from a Warrior.

No, my logic is that certain items are more useful on certain classes, and each person should be passing on said items if someone else in the group makes more or better use of it.

It’s not some arbitrary cut off of “it lasts until Phase 6,” and if you think that’s what my logic is, you’ve not been paying attention to what I actually said.

It’s being selfish when you only consider that possibility for yourself and take an item from someone else.

A Warrior could just as easily take some of the pre-raid healing gear from a healer and use this exact same argument. It’s faulty and you know it. EVERYONE would call a Warrior selfish for taking healer loot from a healer, yet people are caught up on a very similar situation where a Hunter is taking something that is useful to them, but isn’t as useful to them as it is for someone else.

The armor type is irrelevant. Maybe you should get good and realize that this isn’t retail.

I mean, you literally can stop them from pressing that button by doing Master Looter, which is what many people suggest.

The point of the thread is not to force people to abide by the OP’s opinions, but to encourage/discuss the proper loot etiquette for a particular item. This is no different than a thread discussing Robes of the Exalted not being for Warriors. In the case of this thread and that hypothetical one, I tend to agree with the notion that, for the sake of a better community, people should follow those priorities.

I think you’ve missed the OP’s posts explaining this:

What you should have learned:
“This item is BiS for Warriors (regardless of spec). Warriors are the best class for both of their roles. Hunters are much lower DPS and are primarily invited to raids for their utility, not their damage, and this particular item lasts a Warrior much longer than it lasts a Hunter, therefore, out of courtesy, Hunters should pass to a Warrior who needs the item.”

There was nothing personal about the argument that Warriors should have priority on the item. That’s perfectly demonstrated by me arguing in favor of it when I have no stake in the game, and I’ve passed on my fair share of Truestrike Shoulders and Hands of Justice because I realize other classes make more use of it.

There are people in this thread literally arguing that Hunters are entitled to it because they were in the group, regardless of any other factor.

No, you didn’t. He’s not asking to join others’ groups at all, so the notion that he’s doing so and forcing his loot rules on them in nonsense.

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oh, honey. bless your heart.


A compelling argument.

He literally describes them as HIS groups, as in he is forming them and making the rules.

If so I am down with the rules if he reserved a items cause i can choose to not join. But if he is advertising without saying reserver it should go to the winners of the roles no matter who it is. But it did feel great when I won my HOJ against 1 war and 2 rogues then the SGC aginst a war and hunter on my pally. Sadly i dont even really play the pally anymore. also we where not doing a runs just for thoses items just normal runs.

Sure, Jan.

they are entitled to roll on it because they are in the group
because they participated in the dungeon
and can use it

it’s a choice to pass on it in favor of a warrior. and it’s more than just a choice to pass on it in favor of a pug warrior…that is a “favor”. and no, people aren’t entitled to favors.

it’s literally a videogame sweater. its not a big deal


haha, yeah, like you. but by all means, let the warriors tank in your healing gear. doesn’t make them healers. doesn’t make the gear support their role. trying to use a trinket to justify taking gear not for their role, so they can also justify taking all gear that is. super funny.

the fact is you’re bad, entitled player trying to justify your and others bad behavior. do whatever want, people like you usually do. i’m just glad it’s not inflicted on me, but i do pity you, and those you deem lesser. for you there is no hope.

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lmao this example


Okay, so Warriors are entitled to +Healing gear. I don’t personally agree with that, but you do you.

It does, actually, for reasons I’ve explained. You just refuse to accept reality and don’t believe it can even be done.

… lol. Have you seen my logs, buddy?

I’m entitled? Haha. You’re the one saying you deserve an item equally just because you were there when the boss died and don’t care about any other factor.

I, on the other hand…

I don’t deem people lesser; I observe the objective reality that some classes and specs are inferior in their roles.

A compelling argument.

Anyone else notice the opposition has been reduced to laughing and insulting rather than actually providing any arguments? You know you’ve lost the argument when all you have to say is “lmao” and “you’re bad.”


oh god, i cant breathe im laughing so hard. please tell me this is a troll and this wasnt just used in earnest in an argument by a druid about a pug warrior feeling entitled to SGC.


Warriors benefit more from +healing gear than Hunters benefit from getting SGC.

^this quote is why this forum is in desperate need of an ignore feature

inc another 15 paragraph manifesto from ohshiftson, i see you typin up a storm down there buddy!


I’m not sure what you find so amusing about it.

For one, the logs rank people based on their performance relative to other people in the same spec. I’m among the best Feral Druids in the world, in the top 10, actually. Granted, competition is sparse, but you can actually sift through my logs and realize all the things that distinguish me as a good player, regardless of my class.

Secondly, the Warrior is not feeling entitled to SGC; the Warrior is arguing that Hunters shouldn’t feel entitled to it and should be considerate of others and the factors that come into play like how long the item is used, or how useful it actually is.

Why? Because it destroys your argument by using your reasoning against you?

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