<Sauced Up Baddies> Rec All for Mythic W/TH 8-11pm PST

Raid Times/Days: Wed/Thurs 11pm-2am EST (8-11pm PST) Focused on Mythic, but we will be using these days to clear normal and heroic for tier and BiS until we have full roster and everyone caught up, then move into Mythic.
Current Progression: GM 8/9H, rest is scattered around.
Recruitment Contacts: Discord: @loki423
Requirements: ilvl 440 for normal, +10 ilvls for each difficulty after. The more gear you have the more likely you will be cemented on roster, but performance trumps all. Current or previous tier mythic raid experience (no matter the tier/expansion) highly pref. 90% attendance. Fully ench and gems. Open-mindedness. Keys on the side req. (can help learn but will not handhold)
Needs: As a fresh guild, anyone meeting the reqs will be considered as our roster is basically empty. Once the classes and roles have been filled, will update. (0/2T, 0/4H, 1/5m, 2/9r) Casuals/non-raid players welcome. Server transfer not req till we start our mythic prog, which will probably be filled with pugs for the first couple of times to get us going, so that may be sooner than you think.

We are looking to start ASAP!

We ready to get going.

Looking to start! Currently 7/20 both tanks filled.

were almost half way there at 9/20 WOOOO