Satyr AR/customization

I was wondering if we could get playable Satyrs?

Maybe as an Allied Race or as additional customization for Nelves. Take the base model and add the traits. Kinda like a Mechagnome, hiding a portion of our gear and replacing with their bodily modifications.

The customization includes hooves, horns, furry legs and tail, etc. We already got red eyes and some grey/pale skin to go with that. Perhaps armor pieces similar to what Xavius wears, added to the barbershop (like Dracs got), where all customization could take place.

Now, the lore. I think there’s plenty of lore to add many different customization options and proper background for them. Anything Legion-related, suitable for DHs and Warlocks. There’s the Nightmare and Xavius. And there’s typical Nelf stuff, for satyrs that aren’t corrupt and more druidic. This reminds me, there’s a satyr in Ashenvale who was purified by Elune. So, plenty of window to explore.

Funny enough is the imps are getting a satyr design.

So, basically you want to play a red Draenei?

Oh yea, I forgot about that! They do look like satyrs.

Hey, if they do add the customization for Nelves, we gonna be able to match demons. Big satyr with tiny lil’ satyr.