Saturday 2pm (Pacific) Heroic Raid Team, no guild

Forming a team to raid Saturdays at 2 pm Pacific, 5pm Eastern, for approximately three hours. Goal is to clear the eight boss raid in approximately eight weeks. The season will end after we clear the final boss three times. (i.e. You’re signing up for the Saturdays in March and April, maybe a few in May if the final boss is really difficult.)

Primarily aiming at alts of mythic raiders. Demonstrable and preferably recent experience required on the toon you’d like to bring.

I doubt I will fill the whole raid team in two weeks, goal is to get an OT and a few healers as core members, then pick up DPS through the pug system. Last season I just did pure pug and it worked well…until Ansurek.

My qualifications:
–Day 1 player, 18,000 hours /played
–Max level character of every class (thank you anniversary event)
–Raid leader of many years
–Mythic raider in all of Legion, CE every tier
–Screen capture all progression pulls, then I typically watch them from beginning to end over a dozen times to figure out the exact timing, damage, and positioning of each mechanic
–Amateur computer programmer that has written C++ programs that directly parse the wow combat log. (Although it’s frustrating at times because you wouldn’t believe some of the stuff that is and is not in the actual combat log.)

I have a polite but firm management style. Yelling at players only showcases a raid leader’s personal failure to screen applicants properly, or a lack of understanding of how “learning” works. It took me over a decade to learn that runs go far smoother if you take the extra 15 minutes to get good players instead of spending three hours nerd raging at bad ones.

If interested post your contact info below.