Sat/Sun Pandamonium-Mal'Ganis 8/9M LFM 14 year old guild!

Pandamonium on US Mal’Ganis is currently recruiting for our raid teams! If you want something CE focused or heroic focused, we have that covered!

CE - HFC, EN, Antorus, BoD, Nya’lotha, Aberrus

Team 1 (No Namers) Raid Times – 7:00PM-10:00PM EST Saturday & Sunday Mythic/CE
Team 2 (Meme Team)Raid Times - 10:00PM - 1:00AM EST Weds, Thurs (AOTC Team)

To submit an application for our guild, please join our recruitment discord using our invite code: 38zH5VN

Current Needs at the time of this post are listed below:

Team 1 - Mythic / CE
Tank - Looking for a player with a few options, no pally please.
Healer - Resto Shaman
Ranged - Spriest, Warlock, Ele Sham, Aug
Melee - Warrior, Rogue, DH

Team 2 - AOTC
Tank - Closed
Healer - Need Healer - Pref Melee
Ranged DPS - Closed
Melee DPS - Closed

… but we will consider exceptional players of any role or class!

To submit an application for our guild, please join our recruitment discord using our invite code: 38zH5VN

Why Raid With Pandamonium?

Our group has a long-standing history (14 years and counting!) filled with knowledgeable, dedicated players looking to progress through end game content on the highest difficulty. The team’s focus is to be better each time not only per pull, but as players, to grow as a progression team. Our raid environment is focused on progression and our members work together through strats, and experience content together while maintaining progress throughout the tier.

A bonus to our raid is that we have a supportive community within the guild that is active with members who have various other interests so that you have company during off-raid nights. This includes playing other games during off-time on guild supported servers!

General requirements include:

  • Commitment to regular attendance to the team - >80% attendance required for progression
  • Ability to use Discord and have working mic.
  • Stable internet connection with little to no disconnects.
  • Log in before invites go out (15 minutes) and be ready to raid
  • Respond to the weekly calendar to track attendance and availability
  • Utilize the attendance channel to communicate schedule fluctuations
  • Have appropriate addons required by the team for uniformity and strat work

Mandatory Expectations for Mythic Raiders during progression:

  • Complete M+ appropriate to the current gear cap on weekly chests
  • Currency grinds applicable to character progression at a steady rate
  • Prepare the fights to the best of your ability. This includes PTR videos, if necessary, as well as reviewing guild discord strats
  • Be knowledgeable and flexible with their class and spec

Feel free to contact me in game with any questions!
Please let us know which team you are looking to join when you message us!

To submit an application for our guild, please join our recruitment discord using our invite code: 38zH5VN

Raid Leader/GM: Atrianna#1646
Discord: Atrianna

Recruitment Officer: Diasnipes#1185
Discord: dias1185


First Bump

Second Bump

First is the worst.
Second is the best. (except for Dias)
Third is the one with the treasure chest.

Where’s my money Atri?

That’s not the version of that rhyme that I remember Bunny, sorry!

Sunday update :smiley: Need coffee, send help.

The coffee was good, but the fog outside is not. What in the world.

Today is a double coffee day. Please send caffeine. Not going to make it.


Bump bump bump it up!

Good morning! It’s almost time.

Maybe the oafs will give me someone to talk to. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi!, Trying to get into a serious raiding for DF. Lots of xp, multiglad, multimythic completion. Discord is chillytouch#9502. Will server transfer.

I see heals is closed but just figured I’d put it out there. Thanks!

Hey there, we handle our applications through our discord listed in the post. If you are interested, feel free to join and fill one out!


recruiting healers!!


Holidays are over, it’s go time!

Happy Wednesday! Hope everyone’s vault was mint

Anyone else feeling the LFR burn for that sought after tier piece? Catalyst save me!