<Satius> [H] Is recruiting for WOTLK

Is recruiting for WOTLK! We are a semi-hardcore group currently looking for all roles to fill our 25 man roster upon expansion release. Recruitment: Currently seeking all roles to build a roster for 25m Naxx. Ideally looking for a player that is mechanically driven, good attitude and push numbers to the extent of their gearscore. We value personality and commitment over your ability to push buttons.

Loot: Will be distributed based on thatsmybis systems.

Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9-12 EST.

Recruiting Listed Classes:

Arms Warrior

Please direct message with experience - whether that be retail or classic and logs if interested to set up an interview. If your class is not listed, please apply anyway. If you are a new or returning player, all exceptions are always on the table. Discord: Kimosibi#7777 or HHOGERS#0796

Post Bumping

Hi, my name is Cyrogen and my brother will be leveling up a mage, (me) and a rogue (my brother), we want to be always raiding together and if we can’t than im not intrested, I saw you needed a mage, but no rogue, so idk if he will be able to get a slot. I won’t go to any raid he doesn’t go to. No offense, I just love him so dearly :smiley: